Java EE Presentations at JavaOne 2017

Photo of Dominika Tasarz by Dominika Tasarz

Didn't get a chance to attend JavaOne 2017 earlier this month? You can now watch some of the conference talks online! See below for our selection of the most interesting and useful presentations about Java EE.


All JavaOne 2017 recorded talks can be found on the Oracle Java YouTube channel.


'Java EE 8: What’s New in the Java EE 8 Release'  by Linda DeMichiel

This session presents an overview of the recent release of the Java EE 8 platform. Topics covered include the new JSON Binding API, updates to the JSON Processing API, the JAX-RS reactive client API, JAX-RS support for server-sent events, HTTP/2 support in Servlet, the new Java EE Security API, and new features in Bean Validation and CDI.





'Java EE: Heavyweight or Lightweight—Mythbusters' by Adam Bien

How fast is a deployment? What is the minimum size of a Java EE thin WAR? What are the RAM requirements of application servers? What is the out-of-the-box performance? How many transactions per second are achievable? What is the performance penalty of EJB/CDI/JPA and so on? What is the overhead of a transaction? Is Java EE lightweight enough to run in clouds? How big (in terms of disk size) are application servers? This session asks as many heretical questions about Java EE & Co. as possible. Come to answer them together, with plain numbers and code. Heretical questions are highly welcome!



'Taking Java EE to the Clouds' by Rodrigo Bortoloto, Ryan Cuprak & Reza Rahman

 This session is a fast-paced tour of the many options available for running Java EE applications in the cloud. It covers bare metal IaaS options such as AWS; PaaS options that provide native support for Java EE, such as Oracle Java Cloud Service/BlueMix; and everything in between. It also discusses how to deploy Dockerized Java EE applications to options such as Jelastic as well as running Java EE applications by using fat-jar solutions such as WildFly Swarm on bare JVM-based platforms such as Heroku. The presentation includes plenty of code examples and demos along the way.





'Panel: Accelerating the Adoption of Java EE 8 with MicroProfile' by Mark Little, John Clingan, David Blevins, Mike Croft & Kevin Sutter

 This session is a panel discussion in which Java EE and MicroProfile community members discuss how they think Eclipse MicroProfile can accelerate the adoption of Java EE 8. Java EE as an industry standard provides a stable, mature foundation for server-side Java development. MicroProfile is leveraging Java EE technologies as it innovates with specifications and frameworks that implement microservices programming patterns. The goal of MicroProfile is to rapidly iterate these frameworks in open source, put them into developers’ hands today for use with their Java EE applications, and accelerate the path toward standardization. Discussions also include recent MicroProfile advancements and a roadmap.


'Baking a Java EE 8 Micro Pi'  by Ondrej Mihalyi & Mike Croft

 Microservices are already a popular architecture for new applications, particularly with the modern need for applications to be cloud-native and light enough for the Internet of Things. One of the key challenges of breaking up monoliths into microservices is orchestration. This tutorial looks at some of the brand-new features and APIs in Java EE 8 that can help and presents an interactive Raspberry Pi-based demo that shows how easily messaging can be made cloud-ready with JCA connectors.


'Contemporary Java Web Applications with JSF 2.3' by Ed Burns

JavaServer Faces 2.3 is the standard UI framework for Java EE 8. This version of JSF brings a host of community-driven features into the standard, pulling many ideas from the vibrant ecosystem of innovation. This conference session from the co–spec leads surveys the new features and puts them in the context of their usefulness in a contemporary microservices-style architecture. Features covered include:
  • Use of Servlet 4.0 server push
  • WebSocket push
  • Ajax method invocation
  • Multifield validation
  • Tighter CDI integration
  • Component search expressions
The session examines the continued relevance of state-heavy frameworks such as JSF even in light of the movement to the cloud and stateless applications.





'Servlet 4 0: A New Twist on an Old Favorite' by Ed Burns & Shing wai Chan

Java Servlets have been around for longer than Java EE, or even J2EE. This session from the co–spec leads surveys the new features in Servlet 4.0 and puts them in the context of their usefulness in a contemporary microservices-style architecture. Features covered include:

  • Support for HTTP/2, including server push
  • Default context path
  • Mapping discovery
  • Encoding clarifications
  • HTTP trailers, including their relevance to gRPC

The session examines these features in light of current application development trends, such as containerization, continuous delivery, 12-factor apps, and adapting legacy apps to take advantage of cloud-native technologies.






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