Posts tagged JakartaEE (20)

The Payara Monthly Catch for September 2020


The monthly catch came out slightly late this month, but it is chock a block full of content. With a slight emphasis on best practises, tips and plenty of video and podcast content!

In this blog you will find a curated list of some of the most interesting news, articles and videos from the last month. Can't wait until the end of the month? Visitour Twitter page where we post all these articles as we find them! 

How To Bring Your Java Microservices To The Cloud

All companies are software companies, and businesses will always experience the challenge of keeping integrations between users and applications scalable, productive, fast, and of high quality. To combat this, cloud, microservices, and other modern solutions come up more and more in architectural decisions.

Here is the question: Is Java prepared to deal with these diverse concepts in a corporate environment?

Yes, and to demonstrate how Jakarta EE and Eclipse MicroProfile work very well and in the cloud, the Payara and will work together on this webinar. Watch and make your conclusions.

The Payara Monthly Catch for August 2020


I hope you enjoy this month's catch. You may notice I made an effort to try and search for content by authors we had not featured before (and are a little less known), as well as including a few of our prolific favourites. There was also a slight lean towards Kubernetes themed content this month as well.

In this blog you will find a curated list of some of the most interesting news, articles and videos from the last month. Can't wait until the end of the month? Visitour Twitter page where we post all these articles as we find them! 

Monitoring Console Update in Payara Server Community 2020.4 Allows Quick View of Domain Health

We have been busy bringing new functionality to the monitoring console. The newest Domain RAG Status feature coming in the August 2020 release offers better integration of the Eclipse MicroProfile Health checks. This article will go into the details of the integration and showcase how it can be utilised in the monitoring console.

What's New in the Payara Platform August Release?

We're happy to announce that Payara Platform Community 5.2020.4 (direct download here) and Payara Platform Enterprise 5.21.1 (request here) Editions are out today!

With this patch release of Payara Platform Enterprise, we focus on stability and consolidation of the software components delivering value around your Enterprise subscription. Meanwhile, the Payara Community Edition introduces some security, stability, and monitoring improvements of features for testing, such as Remote EJB Tracing and Monitoring Console Domain RAG Status & Developer Metrics. Read more below to find out the details!