Posts from Jadon Ortlepp

Photo of Jadon Ortlepp
Jadon Ortlepp is Digital Marketing Coordinator at Payara Services. He has over 10 years of marketing and content writing experience, and has been with the team since early 2018. During that time, he has travelled across the world attending conferences on behalf of Payara Services: promoting our products, meeting community members and flying the flag for our stable, supported Jakarta EE and MicroProfile applications. He is a Java EE and Jakarta EE enthusiast and active member of the community, regularly organising events and content with the likes of Azul, IBM Developer, Snyk and Foojay. An SEO, PPC, and content marketing expert, he manages digital marketing at Payara Services including advertising, blog content, videos, social media and more.

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8 Movies Featuring Coding and Technology That Only Works in Hollywood

In many films that feature computer technology, the film makers often find it necessary to apply some artistic license to its portrayal or force the audience to suspend belief for the sake of the plot. However, sometimes they simply ask too much from an educated audience! Here is a list of some of the worst offenders!

What is our Degree Apprenticeship all about?

This short video introduces two of our apprentices who are currently also studying for a degree in Technology.  They talk about what they are learning, the challenges they face, their future plans, what they enjoy and what they are currently working on. If you are currently considering a Degree Apprenticeship we hope this may prove helpful. 

We Will See You at W-JAX 2018!

W-JAX is the leading conference for Enterprise Technology, Software Architecture, Agile and Java in Europe.  We are proud to be sponsoring the "Java Enterprise Day" and will be speaking at the event as well.