We Will See You at W-JAX 2018!

Photo of Jadon Ortlepp by Jadon Ortlepp

W-JAX is the leading conference for Enterprise Technology, Software Architecture, Agile and Java in Europe.  We are proud to be sponsoring the "Java Enterprise Day" and will be speaking at the event as well.


Becoming more successful every year and with a growing base of professionals, W-JAX provides a platform for networking, business and transferring of technology knowledge.


The conference takes place November 5th - 9th, with:

  • 180+ Workshops, Sessions and Keynotes
  • 160+ Internationally renowned speakers
  • Special Days to Java Enterprise, Agile and Spring
  • Exhibition of renowned IT companies

W-JAX is a conference for cutting edge Java- and Web-Development, Software-Architecture and innovative Infrastructures. Renowned experts share their professional experiences in Sessions and Power Workshops.

W-JAX is especially focusing on JAVA Core- and Enterprise-Technologies, Spring-Ecosystem, JavaScript, Continuous Delivery and DevOps.


Rudy De Busscher will also be speakingDeploy, Monitor, and Take Control of your Microservices with MicroProfile

Tuesday, November 6 2018 - 11:45 - 12:45


Microservices architecture has many benefits but it comes at a cost. Running microservices and monitoring what’s going on is tedious. That’s why MicroProfile adopts monitoring as a first class concept. In this session, learn how MicroProfile runtimes collect metrics and how to seamlessly collect them with tools like Prometheus and Grafana. Learn how MicroProfile makes it easy to connect information about interrelated service calls, how to gather the information and analyze system bottlenecks, how to deploy and scale MicroProfile applications with Kubernetes and how to react to their health status to detect and automatically recover from failures.


