Posts from Andrew Pielage

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Request Tracing in Payara Platform 5.192

Request tracing has been a feature in Payara Platform for a number of years now, and over time it has evolved and changed in a number of ways. The crux of what the feature is remains the same, however: tracing requests through various parts of your applications and the Payara Platform to provide details about their travels.

Why Use Docker with Payara Platform? Benefits for your Business

There's a lot of noise revolving around Docker at the moment, and with the current industry focus on the cloud, there's a good reason for that.


I hope you would already know why you might want to use Payara Platform in your business, so in this blog I'm going to focus more on why you'd specifically want to use it with Docker in a "business" context. For a start, if you're unfamiliar with Docker, please refer back to our introductory blog: What is Docker and How is it Used with the Payara Platform for a primer.

What's New in Payara Platform 191?

A change in the year means a change in our version number! Slightly later than our usual release month of February, we've tried to include some more changes in the release than a simple number change to make the wait worthwhile: read on to find out more!


191 Release Overview Webinar - Watch On Demand


New Feature of Payara Platform 5.184: Automated Health Check Checker

There has been a lot of noise around MicroProfile for quite a while now, and one of the specs provided by MicroProfile are Health Checks. The aim of this spec is to allow you to write a number of health checks that will run when you hit a specific endpoint, the intention being that this endpoint can be periodically poked by a container orchestrator to determine if an instance is responsive and healthy.

Making Use of Payara Server’s JMX Monitoring Service – Part 1: Setting up the Service

(This is an update of this blog written in 2016: Making Use of Payara Server's Monitoring Service)


Payara Server has for a while now included a JMX Monitoring Service which can be used to log information from MBeans to the server log. Using the JMX Monitoring Service, you can monitor information about the JVM runtime such as heap memory usage and threading, as well as more detailed information about the running Payara Server instance. The information is logged as a series of key-value pairs prefixed with the string PAYARA-MONITORING:, making it easy to filter the output using tools such as Logstash or fluentd.

CLIによるPayara Server 5の管理

Payara Server 5が既にリリースされていますので、基本的な事柄をブラッシュアップするにはちょうど良い頃でしょう。これから、Payara ServerのCLIでできることをいくつか見てゆきたいと思います。

コマンドライン・インタフェース (CLI) はコマンドライン (またはターミナル) からPayara Serverをコントロールする手段であり、複数の方法でサーバーの起動、停止、編集を行うことができます。管理コンソールでも必要なあらゆる管理操作を実行することはできますが、CLIを用いると、特にヘッドレス・サーバー (GUIを持たないサーバー) を扱う場合において、あらゆる管理タスクをより素早く簡単に実行できる場合があります。