Posts tagged JakartaEE (22)

Payara's Involvement in the Jakarta EE 9 Milestone Release

As a leading contributor to Jakarta EE, we're happy to announce the Eclipse Foundation Jakarta EE 9 Milestone Release and the results of their 2020 Jakarta EE Developer Survey. 

The Jakarta EE 9 Milestone Release demonstrates the significant progress made toward the final release later this year, and offers an opportunity for the industry to try the new namespace and start migrating their frameworks. 

The 2020 Jakarta EE Developer Survey features responses from thousands of enterprise Java developers around the world, with results showing significant growth of Jakarta EE 8 use and interest in cloud-native Java.  The 2020 Jakarta EE Developer Survey results can be downloaded in their entirety here.


The Payara Monthly Catch for May 2020


Alot went down in May! notably Java's 25th anniversary and a whole swathe of articles, webinars and podcasts that went with it! It felt like there was a webinar everyday!

Below you will find a curated list of some of the most interesting news, articles and videos from the last month. Cant wait until the end of the month? then visit our twitter page where we post all these articles as we find them!