Posts tagged Cloud (3)

Cloud Myth: Ahead of Time Compilation Will Save You Money

There is a lot of interest in the server-side Java community around using ahead of time (AOT) native compilation provided by Graal Substrate VM to drive down memory usage and cold start times of Java microservices. While these frameworks are technically interesting, the claim is if you spend time rewriting your Jakarta EE applications to utilise these new frameworks, then you will substantially reduce your cloud operational costs. First, by enabling the adoption of a serverless deployment model and second by reducing your containers' memory usage. 

10 Strategies for Developing Reliable Jakarta EE Applications for the Cloud

What happens when an application designed for a small user base needs to be scaled up and moved to the cloud?

It needs to live in a distributed environment: responding to an appropriate number of concurrent user requests per second and ensuring users find the application reliable. 

Though Jakarta EE and Eclipse MicroProfile can help with reliable clustering, there is no standard API in Jakarta EE that defines how clustering should work currently. This might change in the future, but in the meantime, this gap must be filled by DevOps engineers.

In this blog, we will cover 10 technical strategies to deal with clustering challenges when developing Jakarta EE and MicroProfile for cloud environments.

Benefits of Using Payara Micro in the Cloud

Microservices architecture allows developers to apply best practices for larger systems learned over time with containerized Jakarta EE (Java EE) application deployments in any environment: on premise, in the cloud, or hybrid.  Using Payara Micro in the cloud offers benefits ranging from reduced expenses, seamless integration with cloud platforms and tools for management and automation, to automatic and elastic clustering. 

How To Bring Your Java Microservices To The Cloud

All companies are software companies, and businesses will always experience the challenge of keeping integrations between users and applications scalable, productive, fast, and of high quality. To combat this, cloud, microservices, and other modern solutions come up more and more in architectural decisions.

Here is the question: Is Java prepared to deal with these diverse concepts in a corporate environment?

Yes, and to demonstrate how Jakarta EE and Eclipse MicroProfile work very well and in the cloud, the Payara and will work together on this webinar. Watch and make your conclusions.

Easy ways to bring your Java Microservices to the Cloud

All companies are software companies, and businesses will always experience the challenge of keeping integrations between users and applications scalable, productive, fast, and of high quality. To combat this, cloud, microservices, and other modern solutions come up more and more in architectural decisions. Here is the question: Is Java prepared to deal with these diverse concepts in a corporate environment?

Tips for Building Cloud-Native Applications

An increasing number of organisations have moved, or are planning to move, to cloud-based hosting and are developing their applications to run in the cloud. However, once it's decided that your next application is going to run in the cloud, there are still a lot of architectural choices ahead of you. Besides obvious benefits like cost reduction, scalability and easier administration, cloud environments bring their own disadvantages and potential risks. In this blog, I'll share with you some tips on how to take care of the most important disadvantages and risks when you decide to build your applications for the cloud.

We will look at the various options for running your application:

Help Us Shape Your Journey to the Cloud!

One of our key goals for the Payara Platform is to enable developers to use the Java EE skills they have honed over many years to take advantage of new infrastructure, architectures and programming models. We fundamentally believe that a managed runtime platform combined with industry standard APIs like Java EE and in the future Jakarta EE is a perfect fit for cloud and containerized infrastructure. Java EE has always separated the development of applications from the construction and management of the infrastructure to run those applications using the concept of deployment artifacts. This has a natural fit to cloud and container platforms including in the future serverless models.


Taking Payara To The Cloud

It may be hard to believe in 2018, but there was once a time before Amazon Web Services. In 2006, Amazon launched what was to become the most dominant platform in cloud computing - the Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2). While there were a lot of early adopters who could see the benefits of "Infrastructure as a Service" (IaaS) style cloud computing - a notable example being Dropbox - there were many who were sceptical of the hype around the "cloud" and prompted stickers like the one pictured.