Archive from April 2017

Payara Micro 171 - New Features Demo

This quick vlog shows off a few of the recent features and changes we added to Payara Micro in the 171 release. In it, we’ll cover sending asadmin commands to Micro instances from the DAS, how config changes in a pre-existing Payara Micro domain now get packaged up when creating an Uber JAR, as well as a couple of quality of life changes we’ve added.


Payara Server Basics Part 3 - Creating a Simple Cluster

Continuing our introductory blog series, this blog will demonstrate how to set up a simple Hazelcast cluster of two instances.


In contrast to a development environment, where a single server is enough to act as a "proof of concept", in production it is usually necessary to look at reliably hosting your application across multiple redundant hosts to guarantee a reliable service and allow for future scaling. With Payara Server, it is possible to easily create and add instances to clusters using Hazelcast, making configuration of a distributed application a breeze.


Payara for Beginners: Integrating Payara Server with Oracle 11g XE

Most modern-day web applications need some way to store data in a database. Oracle arguably gives you the best RDBMS solution when it comes to security, support, and scalability. Oracle XE is the version that is most suitable for developers for small or personal projects, and should also be compatible with the full version of Oracle database. This guide will walk through the configuration of Oracle XE, and how to configure Payara Server to use it.

Welcome to the Team - Arjan & Gaurav

We’re very excited to announce two new Payara Team members - Arjan Tijms and Gaurav Gupta, who joined us last week!

 I'm sure some of you recognise their names - both Arjan and Gaurav are passionate Java EE advocates and community contributors. Arjan is a member of the JCP, Founder of the OmniFaces project and the website; while Gaurav is a NetBeans Dream Team member and a creator of Jeddict ( formerly known as JPA Modeler).


Read along to find out more about Arjan and Gaurav and what they’ll be working on at Payara.