Posts tagged New Releases (9)

New Feature: Remote EJB Tracing in Payara Server Community 5.2020.4

New in the Payara Server 5.2020.4 release (August 2020), RMI calls to an EJB hosted on Payara Server from a Java SE client will now have the active Span Context automatically propagated to the server, with a counterpart server-side span being created as a child of this client call. This fills in a gap in our existing Request Tracing service, and comes with the added benefit of allowing a user to propagate key:value pairs from a Java SE client to Payara Server (or simply from server to server) in a request as OpenTracing baggage items - of particular interest to those who utilise Context Propagation or similar features in other application servers.

What's New in the Payara Platform August Release?

We're happy to announce that Payara Platform Community 5.2020.4 (direct download here) and Payara Platform Enterprise 5.21.1 (request here) Editions are out today!

With this patch release of Payara Platform Enterprise, we focus on stability and consolidation of the software components delivering value around your Enterprise subscription. Meanwhile, the Payara Community Edition introduces some security, stability, and monitoring improvements of features for testing, such as Remote EJB Tracing and Monitoring Console Domain RAG Status & Developer Metrics. Read more below to find out the details!

What's New in Payara Platform July Release?

We're happy to announce that Payara Platform Community (5.2020.3) and Payara Platform Enterprise (5.21.0) Editions are out today!

The Enterprise Release (request here) features 13 improvements, 11 bug fixes & 1 component upgrade, while the Community Release (direct download here) includes 11 bug fixes, 9 improvements and 1 component upgrade. 

Here's some detail of what's new in the Community & Enterprise Editions:

Coming soon in Payara Platform Community 5.2020.3 Release: OpenAPI Refactor


The Payara Platform 5.2020.3 release (coming soon!) introduces major refactoring and architectural changes to the underlying implementation of MicroProfile OpenAPI 1.1.2.

The goal of the OpenAPI specification is to provide a standard format for documenting REST API services which is extremely useful, as it follows a standard and it can be used in a range of tools such as those provided by the Swagger suite. These let you do all sorts of things such as design, edit, and test a REST API documented by an OpenAPI document.

Payara Platform 7月リリースの新着情報

本日、Payara Platform Community (5.2020.3) および Payara Platform Enterprise (5.21.0) Editionsのリリースをお知らせできることを嬉しく思います。

Enterpriseリリース (こちらからお問い合わせください) は13の改善、11のバグ修正、1コンポーネントのアップグレードを含みます。また、Communityリリース (こちらから直接ダウンロードできます) は11のバグ修正、9の改善、1コンポーネントのアップグレードを含みます。

では、Community & Enterprise Editionsの最新情報について、いくつか詳しくお伝えします。

Payara Platformの新しいリリースです!

本日、Payara Platform CommunityおよびEnterprise Editionの出荷をアナウンスできることをうれしく思います。Communityリリース (5.2020.2) には26個のバグ修正、13個の改善、2個の新機能、そして5コンポーネントのアップグレードが含まれます。こちらからダウンロード可能です。


Opening the Payara Platform Roadmap to the Community

We are continuing to change and improve the way we build and report our future platform releases through the introduction of the Open Roadmap.

As part of the new Payara Reef Community Growth Programme initiative, the Open Roadmap aims to collate user feedback clearly and effectively by allowing individuals to comment on any issues via a GitHub project board.