Posts tagged Microservices (11)

Domain Data Grid in Payara Server 5

In Payara Server 5 we will be introducing some major changes to the way clustering is working by creating the Domain Data Grid (see documentation for more info). The Domain Data Grid will be easier to use, more scalable, more flexible and ideally suited for cloud environments and cloud-native architectures. All Payara Server instances will join a single domain-wide data grid for sharing of in-memory data like web sessions, JCache, SSO and Stateful EJBs. 


Payara Server 5 Data Sheet 

How to Run Payara Micro on Android (No Root Required)

Have you ever wondered how Micro is Payara Micro?

At first, this was a fun experiment installing a terminal app on my Android phone and playing around with some Linux commands. One thing lead to another and I ended up running a Payara Micro instance on my device! In this article, I'm going to show you exactly how to do that.


Kubernetes Native Discovery with Payara Micro

Payara Micro supports Hazelcast out of the box, and can be used for clustering. This allows members in the cluster to distribute data between themselves, amongst other things. By default, Hazelcast comes with multiple ways to discover other members in the same network. A multicast discovery strategy is commonly used for this purpose; a multicast request is sent to all members in a network and the members respond with their IP addresses. Another strategy must be employed if a member cannot or does not wish to provide their IP address.

Speed up Microservice Development with JRebel and Payara Micro

Admitting When You’re Wrong

Just recently, I have had to admit being wrong. Very wrong. Way back at the start of October, I was feeling the familiar sensation of panic and dread that only happens right before I need to give a presentation that includes a demo! In the end, there were major problems with the AV setup in the room I was allocated, so even arriving as early I could to set up didn’t give the techs enough time to hook up my laptop successfully.

AWS Native Discovery with Payara Micro

Both Payara Server and Payara Micro can cluster together and share data using Hazelcast. Out-of-the-box, there is no configuration needed, since Hazelcast uses multicast to discover and join other cluster members. However, when running in cloud environments like AWS, for example, there are a lot of things which can stop discovery being quite so straightforward. The key thing is that Multicast is not available, meaning another discovery strategy is needed; the most common generic alternative is to use TCP, but this assumes that you know at least the intended subnet that your cluster members will be in ahead of time.