Nugget Friday: Simplify Module Imports in Java 23

Welcome to this week’s Friday Nugget! In today’s post, we’re focusing on a new feature coming in Java 23 that’s set to make your coding life a little easier, especially if you’ve ever found yourself frustrated by the clutter of import statements: module import declarations. By leveraging such tool, you can streamline your Java code, reduce verbosity and enhance readability, making your development process more efficient.


Series: What’s Stopping Businesses from Application Server Migrations: Insights From Industry Players - Part 1

Ensuring Business Continuity When Changing Application Runtime

In today’s digital age, the only constant is change. Yet, one area where change often induces hesitation is in the modernization and migration of application servers for software. Moving mission-critical applications to a different runtime environment can indeed be a daunting prospect, entailing significant investments of time, money and resources. However, when unsatisfied by their current solution, why is the fear of migration operations not giving way to the fear of missing out?

In this blog series 'What’s Stopping Businesses from Application Server Migrations – Insights from Industry Players', we will look at what industry experts say and debunk server migration myths.

Cloud Infrastructures: A Closer Look at What's Available Now

The cloud is highly sought-after for businesses seeking scalability, flexibility and efficiency in their software applications. The variety of cloud infrastructure available can cater to a wide range of needs, making it key for companies looking to leverage the right solution to address specific business needs. But with so many options and sometimes inaccurate terminology, it can be challenging to understand the distinctions between each cloud alternative and ultimately make informed decisions. In this blog post, we’ll explore the setup and advantages of serverless and fully-managed cloud environments, compare them to traditional hybrid clouds, and discuss the security implications of these cutting-edge technologies to help you navigate the cloud landscape with confidence.

Payara Cloud Connectivity: Linking Your Apps to Essential Backend Services

Payara Cloud, our increasingly popular Payara as a Service (PaaS) offering, automates the cloud deployment of your Jakarta EE and MicroProfile applications, making it easy to connect to essential services that your application relies on. This post shows you how to connect your applications to the services they need. This quick tutorial applies whether those services are inside or outside your cloud environment, as long as they are reachable across the internet.

Payara Platform Roadmap Update - August 2024

Now that we're eight months into 2024 (already!?), and in the middle of summer, it seems like a good time to catch up and update you on the Payara Roadmap for 2024 - let's see what we've done and what we are still planning to do for the rest of the year and beyond.

You can also watch the Payara Roadmap Update presented at the Virtual Payara Conference last month.

What’s New In The August 2024 Payara Platform Release

We're pleased to announce the latest releases of Payara Platform, addressing key bug fixes and delivering component upgrades for improved performance and security. Thanks to these updates, users of Payara Platform Enterprise and/or Payara Platform Community, can benefit from a more reliable and optimized runtime environment.

Ensuring Seamless Operations and Maximum Profitability: Key Insights on Application Server Efficiency and SLAs - Part 2

Robust and efficient application servers are crucial for companies relying on software applications, whether supporting e-commerce platforms, financial services portals, or internal operations. To ensure smooth operations and deliver seamless services to users, it's essential to partner with vendors who can provide a system runtime that offers maximum uptime. This reduces costs and optimizes performance, profitability, and user satisfaction. Effective service level agreements (SLAs) with these vendors play a key role in minimizing disruptions and ensuring that your applications run efficiently and reliably. 

In this blog post, we share insights from industry players on what to look for in application runtime SLAs to minimize disruptions.

Join Live Webinar - GlassFish to Payara Platform Migration Roadmap

Are you currently using GlassFish 7 and considering a migration to Payara Server? This webinar will provide a comprehensive high-level roadmap for your transition, ensuring a smooth migration process and taking full advantage of the full potential of your Jakarta EE applications running on Payara Server.

GlassFish to Payara Platform Migration Roadmap

Wednesday, the 14th of August 2pm BST


What's Coming in Jakarta EE 11?

The 11th release of Jakarta EE, the open-source successor to Java EE whose advancement is led by the Eclipse Foundation, is still undergoing development. Scheduled for release later in 2024, Jakarta EE 11 will introduce a range of enhancements and new functionalities aimed at improving Java enterprise application development. Let’s take a quick look at what to expect.