Posts from Chiara Civardi

Photo of Chiara Civardi
I am a Marketing Coordinator with over 10 years of experience in producing content on anything technological, from industrial automation and networking technology to developer tools, Cloud and Edge computing as well as AI. I have a passion for sharing insights that are technically accurate and engaging.

A Quick Guide to Enterprise Batch Processing With Jakarta EE

Batch processing plays a crucial role in the operation of enterprise applications, facilitating the efficient handling of large volumes of data. Whether it's inventory management, payroll processing, report generation or data migration, batch processing streamlines tasks and enhances operational efficiency. Here's a glimpse of what we cover in our latest document "A Quick Guide to Enterprise Batch Processing With Jakarta EE"!

Getting Started with Payara Cloud: A Step-by-Step Introduction

Are you planning to work with Payara Cloud and look forward to harness its power but don't know where to start? Our platform is extremely intuitive, but to make sure you can get the most out of it, we compiled a Quick Start Guide, written with you in mind. It is your roadmap to navigating this cutting-edge platform and it walks you through the essentials of getting started with Payara Cloud to simplify your journey from signup to deployment.

How Migrating to Payara Cloud Can Boost Your Success

With nearly every activity currently relying on applications, companies are continuously seeking to rapidly innovate, advance and scale their solutions. As these applications grow considerably, traditional on-premises infrastructure may not always be able to meet key operational requirements. In such instances, Cloud-native solutions are ideal, as they can offer scalability, agility and cost-effectiveness.

Let's dig deeper into how Payara Cloud can help you futureproof your Jakarta EE applications and, in turn, enhance your profitability and competitiveness in a fat-moving and demanding marketplace. 

The Payara Monthly Catch - April 2024

All aboard, Payara Community! It's time to hoist the sails and set course for new adventures in May. But before we do, let's take a look back at the treasures we uncovered in April. We've gathered our favorite catches from the depths to share with you, ready to power up your Jakarta EE applications and propel you towards success! Join us as we navigate through the highlights of the month in our latest roundup

Stratospheric Developer Productivity - Unveiling Payara Dev Mode

Development productivity is crucial in Enterprise Java and Jakarta EE application development, supporting the delivery of high-quality software solutions quickly and efficiently. As a result, it is necessary to focus on streamlining development processes, optimizing resource utilization and empowering developers to work more effectively. Payara Micro Maven Plugin, Version 1, introduces a powerful tool – Dev Mode – designed to supercharge your development experience with Payara Micro. 

In our latest User Guide - available to download here - we look at this plugin, exploring its features, configurations and usage to help developers unlock stratospheric levels of productivity.

Getting Started with Apache Kafka on Jakarta EE and Payara Server

When dealing with complex distributed systems, decoupled, asynchronous communications may be more suited to support the exchange of information between different parts of a system, or even completely different systems. In effect, this decoupling makes it possible for different parts of a system to interact without being directly connected, enhancing scalability and fault tolerance. It is possible to set up such communications through a messaging platform like Apache Kafka and design highly scalable applications.

Our new eBook - available to download here - discusses how to use Apache Kafka for Jakarta EE Platforms that use Payara Server. 

Watch webinar recording - Mastering Java Message Service: A Jakarta EE Developer's Guide

Asynchronous communications are an essential elements of flexible and scalable Jakarta EE applications, as they can support the independent processing of multiple tasks, leading to improved performance and responsiveness. This webinar with Petr Aubrecht  & Luqman Saeed - watch here - delves into the world of Java Message Service (JMS) and its integration within Jakarta EE applications to help developers harness the power of asynchronous communications and messaging for enhanced architectures.

Watch webinar recording - 'Maximizing Developer Productivity: Tools and Techniques For Java Developers' with Trisha Gee

There are now a lot of advanced productivity tools that can help software developers streamlining their coding activity, e.g. automating repetitive but necessary tasks or supporting troubleshooting. This webinar - watch here - with Trisha Gee, Java Champion and Developer Evangelist at Gradle, and Luqman Saeed, Jakarta EE Expert at Payara, covers some of the most effective strategies and latest solutions that can help engineers with their Java application developments.