Announcing Payara’s First Jakarta EE Media and Community Challenge

Photo of Chiara Civardi by Chiara Civardi

We have exciting news to share: As part of our Power Up Your Jakarta EE campaign, we are launching Payara's first-ever Jakarta EE Media and Community Challenge!

We’re calling on Java experts, tech writers and content creators from around the world to showcase their talent by developing insightful content focused on Jakarta EE and the Payara Platform application server. This initiative is designed to inspire innovation and foster knowledge-sharing within the Java community. 

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What’s the Challenge About?

We’re on the lookout for participants of all levels—from seasoned Java captains to enthusiastic deckhands. Whether it's articles, blog posts, guides or tutorials, we’re seeking captivating and technically accurate content on Jakarta EE and the Payara Platform. Chart the course through the technical concepts behind these technologies or provide real-world applications and insights that can help drive expertise and growth within the Java community.

Why Participate?

This is a fantastic opportunity to share your knowledge, polish your writing skills and get recognized in the Java ecosystem. Plus, there are some great treasures up for grabs, including cash prizes with the overall winner anchoring £1,000!

Key Details

  • Submission Period: June 1, 2024 – June 30, 2024
  • Awards Announcement: August 1st, 2024

  • Evaluation: Submissions will be assessed by an expert panel, featuring notable Java community members and industry representatives.
  • Prizes: Top finalists and winners will receive cash prizes, featured spotlights and publication opportunities on Payara and Jakarta EE platforms.
  • Special Feature: Selected content will be curated into a published eBook to enhance visibility and accessibility, benefiting software developers and DevOps professionals across the community.

Setting Sail with a Growth Mindset

As a challenger company, Payara is navigating uncharted waters with a bold growth mindset. We’re dedicated to nurturing talent and fostering a culture of innovation and continuous learning within the Java community. By participating in this challenge, you’ll be helping to steer the course toward a more collaborative and knowledgeable Jakarta EE ecosystem.

Enter the Competition Now!

To learn more about Payara’s Jakarta EE Media Challenge and submit your entry by June 30, 2024, please visit our official challenge page.

We can't wait to see the incredible content you create and share with the world. Set sail with us and make waves in the Java community!

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