Archive from July 2017

Nadando río arriba: Avanzando con Eclipse MicroProfile y JDK8

Eclipse MicroProfile es una especificación para un conjunto de APIs diseñadas para construir MicroServicios. Este proyecto ha existido desde hace más de un año y es algo con lo que Payara está altamente comprometido. Los lectores a los que les gusta estar al día con las noticias desde a comunidad de Java probablemente serán conscientes de como el proyecto ha progresado a grandes saltos últimamente. Está siendo un camino largo y arduo desde la versión 1.0 a la versión 1.1 de la especificación pero, en este momento, mucho ha sido desarrollado y hay multitud de APIs actualmente en desarrollo.

See here for the original version in English language.  

Swimming Upstream: Moving Forward with Eclipse MicroProfile and JDK 8

The Eclipse MicroProfile is a specification for a set of APIs appropriate to building MicroServices. The project has existed for over a year now and is something that Payara is highly committed to. Readers who like to keep up-to-date with news from the Java community will probably already be aware of how the project has progressed in leaps and bounds lately. It's been a long road from version 1.0 to version 1.1 of the specification but, in that time, a lot has developed and there are multiple APIs currently being worked on.

Read this post in Spanish.


Payara Server Basics Part 4 - Load Balancing Across Payara Server Instances with Apache Web Server

Continuing our introductory blog series, this blog will demonstrate how to add load balancing capability to Apache Web Server and forward to our simple Payara Server cluster. 

A load balancer can redirect requests to multiple instances, primarily for the purpose of distributing incoming requests between cluster members based on pre-determined rules. This could be a simple "round-robin" algorithm, where the workload is distributed to each instance in turn, or a weighted algorithm where requests are delivered based on a pre-determined weight for each cluster member.

Fundamentos de Payara Server Parte 4 - Balanceo de Carga a través de Instancias de Payara Server con Servidor Web Apache

Continuando con nuestra serie de blogs de introducción, este blog va a demostrar como añadir la capacidades de balanceo de carga a un Servidor Web Apache y asi re-enviar las peticiones HTTP a nuestro cluster de Payara Server.

Resolving Library Conflicts with Class Whitelisting

Many applications, especially complex legacy ones that are packaged with a large number of libraries, may contain libraries that are also shipped with Payara Server (like Google Guava or Jackson for example). These types of conflicts can be very hard to track down and solve. Starting from the  171 release of Payara Server, there is now another solution in the toolbox which can help with resolving these dependency conflicts.

Security Auditing in Payara Server - Part 1

Security is always a concern you must have when implementing applications that will run in production environments. Both the JVM and Payara Server have a strong tool set of security implementations for most use cases in the industry, so you won’t have to worry about implementing your own security measures from scratch.