Posts tagged MicroProfile (3)

The Payara Monthly Catch June 2023

Jump for joy - it's the Payara Monthly Catch! 

This month's pick includes:

  • Articles about Java 21 new features and additions 
  • Conversations with Java greats like Jakob Jenkov, Trisha Gee & Rafael Del Nero 
  • IDE tips & tricks 
  • Apache tool deep dives 

& more!

We round up the very best content from outside Payara - ourJakarta EEandMicroProfilecommunity - as well as sharing Payara's own resources, and fun news from the dynamic team with a spring in their step ⬇

What's New In The June 2023 Payara Platform Release?

Coming at the dawn of summer, the June release of the Payara Platform is out with enhancements and bug fixes. Payara Platform Enterprise 6.3.0 comes with 2 bug fixes, 1 improvement, and 1 component upgrade. Payara Platform Community 6.2023.6 also comes with 2 bug fixes, 1 component upgrade, and 1 improvement. 

Payara 5 Enterprise will also receive a new release: Payara Platform Enterprise 5.52.0, available only to those using Payara Enterprise. If you are still with Payara 5 Community, remember it is discontinued,contact usto find out how you can still receive a supported platform.  

Make Your Voice Heard In The 2023 Jakarta EE Developer Survey

Are you an Enterprise Java Developer? Or even a Java developer? If yes, then here is your chance to make your voice heard in the2023 Jakarta EE Developer Surveythat is currently on-going. The survey is organized by the Jakarta EE Working Group, the body responsible for steering the development and advancement of cloud native Java development at the Eclipse Foundation.

What's New in the April 2023 Payara Platform Release?

From the Payara Engineering hutch comes a number of quality of life improvements in the April 2023 Payara Platform Releases.  Payara Platform Community 6.2023.4 comes with a bug fix, 4 component upgrades and 1 improvement. Payara Platform Enterprise 6.1.0 comes with 2 improvements, 1 bug fix and 4 component upgrades. Payara Platform Enterprise 5.50.0 also comes with 1 improvement, 1 bugfix, 1 security fix and 1 component upgrade.

Payara is Part of the MicroProfile Working Group!

Payara is part of the MicroProfile Working Group! 

MicroProfile is a set of Enterprise Java APIs and technologies, designed to help with the challenge of building microservices architectures in Java. 

The MicroProfile Working Group develops these APIs in a collaborative process, and is comprised of passionate individuals, and representatives from different vendors and Java User Groups.