What's New in the February 2023 Payara Platform Release?

Photo of Luqman Saeed by Luqman Saeed

It's a new month, and this February the Payara Fish Pond is bristling with new releases for both Payara Platform Community and Enterprise editions. Payara Platform Community 6.2023.2 is out with 3 improvements and 5 bug fixes. Payara Platform Enterprise 5.48.1 contains 2 improvements and 5 bug fixes.

You can download Payara Platform Community 6.2023.2here.

You can request Payara Platform Enterprise  5.48.1here.

Remember: No More Payara 5 Community! 

There was no Payara 5 Community stream release, as the last release was inDecember 2022. If you are still on that stream, you can request Payara 5 Enterprisehere.

Payara 5 Enterprise will allow you to continue using Jakarta EE 8, whereas our new updated Payara 6 Community will only work withJakarta EE 10. With Payara Enterprise, you will also receive support directly from engineers, a 10-year software lifecycle, and guaranteed monthly releases, bug fixes and patches. 

Notable Improvement

A notable improvement in the Payara Enterprise release this month is the logging of the alias of expired certificates. 

Breaking Change

TheMicroProfileOpenAPI config property was renamed from "mp.openapi.scan.lib" to "mp.openapi.extensions.scan.lib". If you are currently using this property and upgrading to Payara Enterprise 5.48.0 and later versions, please remember to change to this new one, otherwise your values may not be picked up. 

Join Our Webinar this Friday! 

Are you tired of dealing with the hassle of managing your own deployment infrastructure? Want to simplify your deployment process and take advantage of the scalability and reliability of the cloud? Don’t want to manage your own Docker containers and Kubernetes clusters? Think there should be an easy and fast way to get your application running in the cloud?

Join our webinar on cloud deployments for Jakarta EE this Friday! Link to registerhere.

February 17th, 2pm GMT

Jakarta EE Microservices Deployment with Payara Cloudmedia.licdn.comdmsimageD4E1EAQFr3fTG_pKj9Aevent-background-image-crop_720_128001676287828987
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Release Notes

The February 2023 Payara Enterprise Release (requesthere) includes 2 improvements and 5 bug fixes.

Payara Community 6.2023.2 (downloadhere) includes 3 improvements and 5 bug fixes.

See a more detailed overview of the fixes and improvements in the Release Notes:


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