Payara Monthly Catch: February 2023
Originally published on 01 Mar 2023
Last updated on 02 Mar 2023

We are here with a carefully curated reading list! We put together the best content from the world of Java, Jakarta EE, cloud computing and open source.
TL:DR - if you work with enterprise Java software, you'll find something here for you.
This month, we've seen a lot of great, high performing learning materials about how to get the most out of your tools. There is new 'How-To' material on how to maximise your use of two of the most popular IDEs we see Jakarta EE users and Payara Platform users opt for: Donald Raab and Sebastian Daschner on IntelliJ IDEA, and an Eclipse IDE for Java shortcuts video. See below to listen to Don and 'Level Up your IDE!' Our social media followers also loved the guide to Gradle shared below.
And, after January's announcement of Java SE licensing changes, and thecrackdown on non-compliance, our Community has been getting to grips with what this means - and the other options out there. As Java was open sourced back in 2011, you've got options other than the Oracle commercialJava SElicense. We have a guide that goes through your OpenJDK options, check it out:No Nonsense Guide to JVM Implementations: OpenJDK, OpenJ9, GraalVM.
Though we try to keep these roundups all about celebrating others, we've got a lot to be proud of this month as a company - launching our firstHackathon(entries are closed now, but stay tuned for the results!), and rejoiningMicroProfile Working Group!
We hope you enjoy the wealth of great resources created by our community, even in this shortest month of the year.
For more from the world of enterprise software and Jakarta EE, you can follow us onInstagram,Twitter,YouTubeandLinkedIn.You can alsocontribute toanddrive the futureof Payara Platform via ourGitHub or get involved answering and asking questions on ourPayara Forum.
Own Your IDE -Donald Raab ensures you are getting the MOST out of your IDE, rather than using it simply as a "colourful code editor"! Put the crayons down, & level up - he tells us how he does so with IntelliJ IDEA.
JVM Field Guide: Memory- Sergey Tselovalnikov focuses on the practical aspects of dealing with JVM applications memory, primarily server-side, & provides plenty of references for those who’d like to dive deeper. A great starting point with key explanations!
Java’s New Threat Model- Over the last decade of cloud migration, the threat model against Java applications & the way that we need to defend them has shifted argues Erik Costlow.
What to Know About Garbage Collection as a Java Developer - Frank Delporte provides a concise summary of Garbage Collection in Java.
Pattern Matching in Java – 5 Examples for Busy Developers - Mala Gupta covers 5 places where you can use pattern matching in Java.
Queue Data Structure with Java - The Queue data structure is very useful in algorithms. It’s used when traversing graphs. It’s also very efficient in terms of performance to insert & remove the first or last elements. Rafael del Nero explains more.
Is it Time to go Back to the Monolith?- Shai Almog argues that modern modular monoliths are redefining monolithic architecture. Pick the best of both worlds with a hybrid approach!
Structured Concurrency in Java 19 - Baeldung discusses the incubator feature Structured Concurrency (JEP 428). This blog guides you through the usage of the new APIs for managing multithreaded code.
The rise of Java - A great, concise recap of the journey of Java. "The rise of Java can be attributed to several factors, including its versatility, ease of use, & wide range of applications."
How Gradle Works: Startup- This blog does as it says, simple and useful - shows you how Gradle
starts up!
The best way to generate a TSID entity identifier with JPA and Hibernate - Vlad Mihalcea shows you how.
Multiplying Software Quality Using Three Documentation Types - Documentation is vital in any software development. In this video tutorial, Otavio Santana shows you three documentation types that are crucial to a source repository.
Journeys in Java: Docker compose all the things - Jennifer Reif shows you how to successfully create an orchestrated microservices system with Docker Compose !
Videos & Podcasts
IntelliJ Live Templates You Need to Know- In this video, Sebastian Daschner shows you how to use IntelliJ IDEA Live Templates - obvious ones, such as inserting a main method or null checks, & examples of templates that you can define yourself.
Star Trek, Star Wars, Transactions, SQL, NoSQL & almost Streaming - Adam Bien podcast with Mary Grygleskicovers many topics Payara followers are interested in, not only NoSQL, which we recently published a popular guide on, but MicroProfile & sci fi! 👽
Unraveling PostgreSQL: What Developers Find So Appealing! - Josh Long takes a look at the StackOverflow findings on databases & argues that PostgreSQL should be even more popular, in this concise but compelling video.
10 Eclipse Java IDE Shortcuts Every Java Programmer Should Know- Watch this short 2 minute video to level up your Java coding with Eclipse IDE.
Highly Structured Lifehacks with Heinz Kabutz and Adam Bien - Topics covered include: JVM logging, Java Records, Garbage Collectors & weak references.
Language injections in IntelliJ IDEA - Turn hard to read string concatenations into beautiful Java
17 text blocks with proper language support in seconds, with Michael Simons.
Debugging Tools & Skills for Fun and Profit- Marit Van Dijk, Ties van de Ven, Johannes Bechberger and Shai Almog discuss debugging & observability in this fascinating Foojay podcast discussion. Love the mascots in the thumbnail too! 🎎
Community News
Proud to be part of award-winning work!- Jakarta EE won the 2023 DEVIES award in the Programming Languages & Frameworks category. As Strategic Members of the Working Group, our team contributes directly 🏆
Payara is Part of the MicroProfile Working Group! -"The innovation in the MicroProfile Working Group is step-by-step dismantling the myth that Jakarta EE is only for heavy architectures." - Our CEO Steve Millidge comments. Read the blog for more.
Guides Out This Month!
Check out our guides out this month!
- A Developer Guide to NoSQL Persistence on The Jakarta EE Platform With Google Firestore
- A Business Guide to Enterprise Development Options on the Java Platform
- A Business Guide to Cloud Deployment Options For Jakarta EE Applications
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