Thank You Community Contributors - February 2021 Release
Originally published on 16 Feb 2021
Last updated on 16 Feb 2021

In what’s been a strange start to the year, a silver lining is the growth of innovative communities, with people pushing themselves to build something valuable together - making use of a time when the majority of us are in lockdown. At Payara Services, this has taken the form of an uptake in contributors to the Payara Platform open source project - and it’s time to say a huge thank you!
The Payara Platform Community versions are open source runtimes for development projects and containerized Jakarta EE and MicroProfile. This means we welcome contributions through GitHub from developers looking to shape the future of Enterprise Java - whether to Payara Server Community, supporting Jakarta EE in any environment; or Payara Micro Community, which is lightweight to suit containerized Jakarta EE deployments.
Since our end of year Contributor shout-out, we’ve seen some fantastic pull requests on our GitHub, that have since been incorporated into this latest February release.
Payara Services team members have worked with Payara Platform users to create the very best innovations, leading to mutual learning and development - and most importantly, ensuring that Payara Platform remains innovative, creative and agile.
We’d like to say a special thank you to:
Carles had his first contribution merged to Payara Platform: an enhancement to allow default values to be set in data source definitions. This will simplify the deployment of applications, especially in local or test environments.
Carles’ help meant we could add this anticipated feature to the Community codebase much faster, and the team are looking forward to hopefully working with him again - he’s expressed his keenness to commit more on Twitter!
Oliver worked on an enhancement that added support for mounting your secrets (or configuration mapped values) in sub-directories to create scopes. This will especially benefit users of Dataverse software on Kubernetes.
Oliver worked closely with the team and reported that he’d learnt a lot from the process - also shouting us out on Twitter! A great example of a smooth and efficient collaboration, to bring about an improved experience for our users:
Hunter identified and provided a solution for an inefficiency in JWT token verification. Previous to his change, multiple requests were taking place for the same data. He changed it so the loaded JWT key was cached for subsequent requests to use.
- GitHub user Bhanuunrivalled
They provided a fix to GlassFishProperties where a NPE would occur when initialised with null properties.
- Regular contributor GitHub user Lukáš Kvídera
This month Lukáš both fixed out of memory redeploy leaks - identifying the causes and providing a solution - and sorted instances in the admin console.
- GitHub user Alexander Pinchuk - another regular contributor
Alexander identified and solved a bug - adding an appropriate application name to GAV deployments.
We’d like to wish these users a huge thank you - we couldn’t do our work without the active and engaged Payara Platform userbase.
Hopefully the above examples show you how contributing to open source is a fantastic learning opportunity, and our team are ready to work with you to integrate your suggestions and push you in your learning (and we'll send you Payara t-shirts and stickers!):
Visit our GitHub to get involved:
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