Posts from Steve Millidge

Photo of Steve Millidge
Steve Millidge is the founder, CEO and technical director of Payara Services. He is an expert in Java EE, Jakarta EE and MicroProfile, and a Project Lead for the Eclipse Foundation GlassFish and the Jakarta EE platforms. Steve has spoken at a number of events about the performance and scalability of Java systems, including Java One, JBoss World, UK Oracle User Group Conference and Special Interest Groups, JaxLondon, GeeCon, EclipseCon, and Jakarta EE Live Stream. He regularly presents technical workshops and webinars on Jakarta EE, Microprofile and big scale Java. Steve has been working with Java since pre-1.0 and has worked on large scale distributed applications and application servers since the 1990s. Before founding Payara Services, Steve ran a consultancy company providing advice and guidance on architecting, building and running at scale large web applications on Java technologies. Steve has a keen interest in non-functional attributes of big scale Java.

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Flexible HA & Scalability Architectures with Payara Server

One of the lesser known features and key benefits of Payara Server is that it provides huge flexibility when architecting topologies for High Availability and Scalability. Utilising the embedded Hazelcast Data Grid for web session and JCache clustering brings the potential of many different topologies for scale out.


New features for Ops Teams in Payara Server

When we founded Payara and started development on Payara Server, one of our key goals was to make Payara Server the best application server for production work loads. Operations Teams will be happy to hear that the February 161 release adds Slow SQL Logging and in-built Server HealthChecks as new capabilities for managing production workloads!


Disabling OpenMQ in Payara Server

Many of our customers often use a different JMS provider in their organisation than the embedded JMS broker shipped with Payara Server, for example IBM MQSeries or ActiveMQ. Doing this often caused problems for our customers because the unconfigured OpenMQ broker could cause start up problems or delays, as well as delays in XA recovery. From Payara Server 4.1.154 onwards we've added functionality to disable the embedded OpenMQ broker. In this blog we'll talk through how to disable OpenMQ across the whole domain.

Introducing Payara Blue

One of the new features of our Payara Server 4.1.153 is Payara Blue. Payara Blue is our code name for support for Payara Server and Payara Micro on the IBM JDK. Payara Blue gives the IBM JDK users full support for running Java EE 7 applications on Payara on any platform supported by the IBM JDK 7 or JDK 8.