Posts from Debbie Hoffman

Photo of Debbie Hoffman
Debbie Hoffman is Payara’s Technical Content Writer. She is an expert in Java EE, Jakarta EE, MicroProfile, cloud computing and DevOps technologies - in particular, making these subjects concise and accessible for a range of audiences. She works closely with members of the engineering, service and senior team to develop guides, blogs, articles and more. Building on over 15 years of content writing experience, a key part of her role is implementing new and better ways of creating content to promote and grow Payara Services

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Payara Platform 2019 Community Survey Results

We're proud to announce that our 2019 Community Survey results are now available! We conducted a survey between September and November 2019 to determine how organizations are using the Payara Platform and what ecosystem components are most commonly used with the platform. Thank you for contributing and helping us gain insight into which features and enhancements the community would most like to see in future releases of the Payara Platform.

Jakarta EE 8 Specifications Released by The Eclipse Foundation, Payara Platform Compatibility Coming Soon

The Jakarta EE 8 Full Platform, Web Profile specifications and related TCKs have been officially released today (September 10th, 2019). This release completes the transition of Java EE to an open and vendor-neutral process and provides a foundation for migrating mission-critical Java EE applications to a standard enterprise Java stack for a cloud native world. 

Help Maintain PCI Compliance with Payara Support

If your business processes branded credit card data (such as Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover), you must comply with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS). The requirements were developed and are maintained by the Payment Card Industry Security Standards to reduce credit card fraud and implement increased controls around cardholder information. For companies using the Payara Platform, having a Payara Enterprise subscription helps you maintain compliance.

Business Benefits of Using Kubernetes with Payara Micro

The term “Kubernetes” comes from the Greek “kubernan,” which means to steer or guide. You can think of Kubernetes like a pilot for apps that are stored and run together in containers and other forms of workload distribution software. The Greek “kubernan” was transformed over the years to relate to the term “Govern”, which is another helpful comparison when trying to understand the full capacity of Kubernetes.


Swisscom Relied on Payara Support Services to Migrate from GlassFish to Payara Server

When a leading telecoms company in Switzerland, Swisscom, transitioned to Payara Server from GlassFish for their mission critical applications, they found the migration easy and without problems. In fact, having Payara Enterprise Support meant Swisscom had access to a customer-only build which shortened the time to getting a fix to test by two months and 24x7 access to Payara engineers.