Posts tagged New Releases (6)
Payara Platform Supports MicroProfile 4.1
Published on 20 Aug 2021
by Debbie Hoffman
New Releases
While support for MicroProfile 4.0 has been available in Payara Community since 5.2021.1 we’ve waited to add it to Payara Enterprise because it created breaking changes.
What's New in the August 2021 Payara Platform Release?
Published on 18 Aug 2021
by Debbie Hoffman
What's New,
New Releases
The August 2021 Payara Platform release is here! Payara Platform Enterprise 5.30.0 includes 8 bug fixes, 2 component upgrades, 2 security fixes and 4 new features. The Payara Platform Community 5.2021.6 release offers 7 bug fixes, 1 component upgrade, 2 security fixes, and 3 new features.
You can download Payara Platform Community 5.2021.6here and request Payara Platform Enterprise 5.30.0 here.
And don't forget to join the 'August Release Overview + OAuth2 & OpenIdConnect Authentication & Authorization' webinar with Rudy De Busscher on Tuesday, the 24th of August at 3PM BST - find out more & register here.
Read more below to learn more about the highlights of this release.
What’s New in the July 2021 Payara Platform Release?
Published on 26 Jul 2021
by Debbie Hoffman
What's New,
New Releases
The July 2021 Payara Platform release is here! Payara Platform Enterprise 5.29.0 includes 8 bug fixes, 9 improvements, 1 security fix and 1 new feature. The Payara Platform Community 5.2021.5 release offers 13 bug fixes, 1 security fix, 10 improvements, 1 new feature and 1 component upgrade.
You can download Payara Platform Community 5.2021.5 here and request Payara Platform Enterprise 5.29.0 here.
Read more below to learn more about the highlights of this release.
Payara Server Community 6.2021.1.Alpha1 is now a Certified Jakarta EE 9.1 (Full Profile) Compatible Product
Published on 07 Jul 2021
by Debbie Hoffman
New Releases
Payara has released Payara Server Community 6 (Alpha version) which has passed the Jakarta EE 9.1 TCK on JDK 11. This means Payara Server Community 6.2021.1.Alpha1 is a certified Jakarta EE 9.1 implementation.
Introducing the Payara Kubernetes Operator
Published on 11 Jun 2021
by Rudy De Busscher
New Releases
When using Kubernetes, for more complex scenarios it is not enough to start the deployment or service. You also need to execute some commands within the containers to perform some configuration or initialization of the environment.
To automate configuration or the process of initializing an environment, you can write a Kubernetes operator.The Payara Kubernetes Operator, released as a Proof of Concept or Minimum Viable Product (MVP) in our June Payara Platform release, helps you to set up a Payara cluster using the Deployment Group feature of the Payara Server.
Shape The Future of Payara Platform Through GitHub
Published on 07 Jun 2021
by Priya Khaira-Hanks
New Releases,
Payara Community
1 Comment
Payara Platform is an open source middleware platform. This means that we are proud to nurture and grow an open and collaborative community, building on the needs of all to advance our software.
Part of this ethos is inviting contributions to our software via our GitHub. Users can issue a pull request with suggested bug fixes and enhancements, and if successful, these will incorporated in our next release. We send t-shirts and stickers to contributors to say thank you!
Since our last contributor shout out in February, we've implemented many useful pull requests, from valued long time contributors Alexander Pinchuk and Oliver Bertuch, as well as new contributorAngelTG2.
We also wanted to take the opportunity to point out that contributions aren't the only way to shape the future of Payara Platform. You can also up or down vote the open issues - new features, enhancements and bug fixes - that would make the most positive difference to YOUR development and applications. Find out more below.
Introduction to New AutoScale Feature Available in Payara Server
Published on 04 Jun 2021
by Rudy De Busscher
New Releases,
Running your application sometimes requires multiple instances to handle the requests of the users. Within the Payara Platform, the Domain Data Grid helps you configure your environment to run your application in a cluster. Besides the setup of a cluster itself, many applications can benefit from an environment that scales dynamically.
The number of instances must increase when the application usage peaks and should decrease when activity is low to reduce the resource usage and the corresponding costs associated with it. The introduction of the AutoScale feature in Payara Server Community 5.2021.4 helps us achieve this dynamic scalability.
What's New in the June Payara Platform Release?
Published on 02 Jun 2021
by Debbie Hoffman
What's New,
New Releases,
The June 2021 Payara Platform release is here! Payara Enterprise 5.28.1 includes 5 bug fixes and 2 component upgrades along with a community contribution from AngelTG2 for improving loading time for REST applications when there are many password aliases.
In addition to the bug fixes, component upgrades, and community contribution improvement, the Payara Community 5.2021.4 release also introduces a new AutoScale feature in Payara Server to achieve dynamic scalability of instances based on application usage.
You can download Payara Platform Community 5.2021.4 here and request Payara Platform Enterprise 5.28.1here.
Read more below to find out the details.
How to Configure the HSTS Header on Payara
Published on 12 May 2021
by Rudy De Busscher
Payara Platform,
New Releases
1 Comment
The HTTP Strict-Transport-Security response header (often abbreviated as HSTS) tells the browser that it should access the website only using HTTPS, instead of using HTTP.
The May 2021 releases of the Payara Platform, Community version 5.2021.3 and Enterprise version 5.28.0, allow you to configure the HSTS header.
What's New in the Payara Platform May Release?
Published on 05 May 2021
by Debbie Hoffman
What's New,
New Releases
The May Payara Platform release is here! With the Payara Enterprise 5.28.0 and the Payara Community 5.2021.3 releases, we're introducing an HSTS security feature, an improvement to the Admin Console performance, better integration of Hazelcast along with new functionalities provided in Hazelcast 4.2, and a couple useful security and bug fixes. Meanwhile, updates to ecosystem components IntelliJ and the Flight Recorder Notifier, offer more functionality to Payara Platform users.
You can download Payara Platform Community 5.2021.3 here and request Payara Platform Enterprise 5.28.0 here.
Read more below to find out the details.