Posts tagged Microservices (16)

Java EE Microservices - the Payara Way

Microservices are the latest new-but-not-really-new thing that developers are talking about, and the Java EE world is no exception. In this Devoxx 2015 talk, Mike is using some new features of Payara Server that bring the power of Hazelcast to Java EE microservices, while still keeping the overall footprint incredibly low.




Bootiful Enterprise Applications powered by Spring Boot & hosted on Payara Micro

We have already introduced Spring Boot to Payara Micro, the new fish on the block!, by implementing Spring Boot based RESTful web services and hosted on Payara Micro. While implementing it, we didn’t deal with any of the XML configurations or dependency management needed for the Spring framework with the help of  the Spring Boot



Payara Micro - Demo

'Running Java EE 7 Based Applications Using Payara Micro'. In this short demo David Winters, Payara Support Engineer, will show you how to start Payara Micro, how to run web applications on it and how you can use Payara Micro API to launch Payara Micro server instances from within your own Java applications and projects.



How Micro is Payara Micro?

Elastic Middleware describes middleware capable of expanding and contracting quickly on demand. A common example is the ability for an application server cluster to quickly expand the number of cluster nodes to meet an unpredicted surge in the level of traffic.