Posts tagged What's New (11)

What's New in Payara Server 161 ?

Opening our new Payara Updates video series, Mike Croft (@croft) - Payara Support Engineer – gives an overview of the Payara Server 161 Release Notes, highlighting a couple of great community contributions to this release. Mike also mentions some of our plans for the future update videos, so tune in if you want to find out more!


New features for Ops Teams in Payara Server

When we founded Payara and started development on Payara Server, one of our key goals was to make Payara Server the best application server for production work loads. Operations Teams will be happy to hear that the February 161 release adds Slow SQL Logging and in-built Server HealthChecks as new capabilities for managing production workloads!


What's new in Payara Server 154 ?

As we move into November, the time has come for a new release of Payara Server. We had a focus on fixing bugs and adding the little features that make your life easier over any new big features for this release, but do not worry, we are not running short on big ideas to implement - just time!

What's new in Payara Server 152?

As we move into the second quarter of the year, the next release of Payara Server emerges from the depths - version 4.1.152. Read on for an overview of what's gone into this release.

What's new in GlassFish 4.1 ?

GlassFish 4.1 was released a couple of months ago now, bringing with it a large number of welcome bug fixes and improvements. As the Payara Open Source project was born from it, it would be remiss of us not give all of you who maintain an interest in GlassFish a brief overview of some of the things that have changed or been updated since 4.0.