Posts tagged Docker (3)

Payara Server LDAP Integration - Part 3: Extracting User Information

In this three-parts article series I'm illustrating the implementation of the LDAP integration using a sample scenario: integrate Payara Server with a LDAP user directory and manage the authentication and authorization of a sample web application.


In Part 1, I showed you how to start the LDAP Server, while in Part 2  we configured the LDAP realm. Now you are probably wondering how to get the user’s information (first and last name, email address, etc.) that resides in the LDAP server. Unfortunately, the JAAS API doesn’t offer any standard mechanisms to access this user attributes in the directory tree. But there are other options available:


Payara Server LDAP Integration - Part 1: Configuring the LDAP Server

If you work in an organization with a robust IT department, it's very likely that you are using a LDAP server to handle your user directory information. You probably have to follow some general guidelines dictating that all web applications deployed within the organization’s infrastructure must access this user directory; and must authenticate and authorize the users that will interact with them. This is a very common scenario nowadays.

Creating Uber JAR with Payara Micro 5

Payara Micro allows you to run web applications in a self-contained and easy way. Since the release of the Payara Server in May 2016, there is a simple way to generate an "Uber" JAR that bundles the contents of a WAR file and the classes and resources that compose Payara Micro!

Note that this "Uber" Jar is not the best way to run your application in a Docker container as it requires an update of the entire binary for each small code change you make in the application. A better solution is just to start a Payara Micro Instance and point to the application that needs to be installed. More information can be found on our Payara Micro Docker Image documentation.

(last updated 06/04/2021)

Payara Docker Images - Update

A year ago, we brought you our first Docker images. Today, we have updated them with a few changes and refinements.


Payara Docker Images


For those already familiar with Docker, here are the key points:

Automating Production in Payara Server

Taking an environment from development through to production is often an afterthought and can all too often be too far down the list of priorities. Initially, there may not be any obvious problems or issues with manually configuring a new production environment to match an existing one in development or test. As some customers I have visited have found, however, this will only lead to bigger and bigger inconsistency between platforms with ad-hoc changes causing different environments to diverge.


A Vagrantfile for Payara Server

This is a preview of a personal project I've been working on which I'm sharing (through Payara) with the community, hence it's not exactly polished and there's still plenty more I'd like to do with it - although I could probably say that about most of the things I
work on in my spare time.