Returning Beautiful Validation Error Messages In Jakarta REST With Exception Mappers
Published on 07 Mar 2023
by Luqman Saeed
Java EE,
Jakarta EE
All non-trivial enterprise applications have some sort of constraints on the data the application processes. These constraints could range from the simplest to the most complex custom built types. The default validation API on theJakarta EEPlatform, Jakarta Bean Validation has excellent out of the box support for constraining bean fields. Then with its @Valid annotation, you can trigger automatic validation of constrained objects in certain points of an application.
What's New in the February 2023 Payara Platform Release?
Published on 15 Feb 2023
by Luqman Saeed
New Releases,
Jakarta EE
It's a new month, and this February the Payara Fish Pond is bristling with new releases for both Payara Platform Community and Enterprise editions. Payara Platform Community 6.2023.2 is out with 3 improvements and 5 bug fixes. Payara Platform Enterprise 5.48.1 contains 2 improvements and 5 bug fixes.
5 Jakarta EE (Formerly Java EE) Myths That Need To Die
Published on 14 Feb 2023
by Luqman Saeed
Java EE,
Jakarta EE,
The Jakarta EE Platform has come a long way since its debut as J2EE back the days of Sun Microsystems. Over the years, it has had its fair share of challenges. A natural consequence of this is that some notions about the platform arising from some of the past challenges that may have been true about past iterations have stuck. This blog post aims to dispel some of these deeply rooted misconceptions about the Jakarta EE Platform, especially after the last major release.
A Quick Look At Faces (JSF) 4.0 In Jakarta EE 10
Published on 24 Jan 2023
by Luqman Saeed
Jakarta EE,
Jakarta EE 10 shipped with the fourth major release of its component based web framework Jakarta Faces. Hitherto known as Jakarta Server Faces, and Java Server Faces before that, Jakarta Faces, or just Faces,version 4.0is the first major version with API change since version 2.3 in Java EE 8. Among the major changes in this version are:
An Opinionated Guide To Getting Started With Jakarta EE Development in 2023
Published on 19 Jan 2023
by Luqman Saeed
This post is inspired by Gunnar Morling'sposton a similar theme for the Java SE Platform. It is an opinionated guide to getting started developing applications on the Jakarta EE Platform. As an opinionated post, there may be some recommendations that you disagree with. That is natural. The post is directed at people just getting started and feel overwhelmed by all the options out there for getting started with enterprise Java. The post is broken down into the following sections;
What's New in the January 2023 Payara Platform Release?
Published on 18 Jan 2023
by Luqman Saeed
It's January, and the Payara engineering bakery has been busy with the first release of the year. The Payara Platform Community 6.2023.1 release is hot out of the oven with 8 component upgrades, 1 improvement and 1 security fix. Payara Platform Enterprise 5.47.0 also comes with 14 component upgrades, 2 improvements, 3 bug fixes and 1 security fix.
Jakarta MVC In Jakarta EE 10
Published on 10 Jan 2023
by Luqman Saeed
Jakarta EE
Jakarta EE has action and component based frameworks for building web applications using the model view controller architecture pattern. The much older Jakarta Faces is a component based framework while the much newer Jakarta MVC is an action based one. This blog starts by defining the two types, then takes a look at Jakarta MVC, what it is and how to get started.
Enterprise Batch Processing with Jakarta Batch - Part 1
Published on 28 Dec 2022
by Luqman Saeed
Jakarta EE,
Batch Processing
1 Comment
Batch processing is an integral part of enterprise applications. Reading, processing and storing vast amounts of data is mostly suited to batch processing runtimes that are optimized for such workloads. Inventory processing, payroll, report generation, invoice/statement generation, data migration, data conversion among others are all tasks that are suitable to batch processing.
Batch processing typically involves breaking data loads to be processed into smaller "chunks," which are also broken down into even smaller units for processing. The batch processing is then carried out on a single unit of the data, one at a time, without any human intervention. This makes the processing of a significantly large amount of data very efficient and fast. Batch processing can also be parallelized to take advantage of the hardware capabilities of the underlying computer.
This blog series will show you how to create batch processing tasks on the Jakarta EE Platform. The blog is broken down into a series of posts, each blog covering a specific part of the batch specification. This blog introduces you to the Jakarta Batch specification and gives a high level overview of what constitutes a batch task.
Remote CDI Events in Payara Platform
Published on 26 Dec 2022
by Luqman Saeed
Jakarta EE
The Jakarta Contexts and Dependency Injection API is the standard dependency injection framework on the Jakarta EE Platform. The latest version of the CDI specification that shipped withJakarta EE 10 is CDI 4.0. This release features a split of the core CDI API into Lite and Full. CDI Lite is designed to run in more restricted environments, and features a subset of the original features. CDI Full contains the Lite and all other features that were in core CDI in previous Jakarta EE releases.
A Guide To Contributing to Jakarta EE 11
Published on 22 Dec 2022
by Luqman Saeed
Jakarta EE
Therelease of Jakarta EE 10marked the dawn of a new era for the platform. This release is the first major, community driven release of the platform since it was transferred to the Eclipse Foundation. As a community driven project, the platform is open for everyone to contribute to. One of the advantages of using Jakarta EE for your projects is that you can directly have a say in the direction and future of the platform. With Jakarta EE 10 out of the way, the focus will soon shift to the next release, Jakarta EE 11.