Posts from Luqman Saeed

Photo of Luqman Saeed
Senior Java Developer specializing in scalable, cloud-native enterprise applications on the Jakarta EE Platform.

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What Is Jakarta Data?

The defacto way of accessing relational data in a Jakarta EE application is through the use of the Jakarta Persistence API. For NoSQL data access, one can now use the much newerJakarta NoSQL API. Jakarta Persistence especially has worked quite well and been serving its purpose with both its support for native queries, JPQL and Criteria queries. However, modern data access paradigms have meant having to pull in third party libraries to enjoy some more abstractions. 

What’s New in Eclipse MicroProfile 6.0?

The Eclipse MicroProfile project is a Jakarta EE based project that augments the platform with cloud-native APIs for developing applications for the cloud. MicroProfile has had five previous version releases, with the latest being 6.0. Versions prior to 6.0 were built on the Jakarta Contexts and Dependency Injection, Jakarta RESTful Web Services and Jakarta JSON APIs. 

Jakarta EE 10: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Introduction to Jakarta EE Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Jakarta EE (formerly Java EE)  is a software development platform built on top of the Java Standard Edition, for creating modern applications of all types and sizes for the cloud or in-house. It has gone through a number of evolutions to its present Jakarta EE incarnation. The goal of this blog post is to answer commonly and frequently asked questions about Jakarta EE and enterprise Java software development in general. There are a number of old preconceived notions out there about the platform. This blog post seeks to shed light on a number of these notions within the context of the current platform. 

What’s New in Jakarta REST 3.1 in Jakarta EE 10?

The Representational State Transfer or RESTful architecture is a stateless, HTTP based communication standard for modern applications. It was originally proposed by Dr. Roy Fielding in hisPhD thesis. It has, over the years, become the default, programming language-agnostic means of enabling machine-to-machine communication. An application written in the Django framework in Python can have REST resources that are consumed by another application written in Java with Jakarta EE. Similarly, a Jakarta EE application can create resources that can be consumed by a C# application.