Posts tagged Apache (2)

Payara Server Basics Part 2 - Forwarding Requests from Apache to Payara Server on Ubuntu

In the first blog of this series, we configured our Apache Web Server. Our next step will be to set up request forwarding to send traffic to Payara Server. If you need guidance on installing Payara Server on Ubuntu, we already have a blog post covering the installation of a JDK and Payara Server which we would recommend you read before continuing with this blog.


Payara Server Basics Part 1 - Installing Apache on Ubuntu

In this blog series, we will aim to give an overview of the basics of using Payara Server in a production scenario using Apache Web Server (sometimes called httpd) and Ubuntu 16.04. Many of the concepts described in these blogs do not rely on the tools we are using here and can be applied to other scenarios.

Fundamentos de Payara Server Parte 1 - Instalando Apache en Ubuntu

En esta serie de blogs, intentaremos dar una visión general de los fundamentos de utilizar Payara Server en un entorno de producción utilizando Apache Web Server ( comúnmente conocido como httpd) y Ubuntu 16.04. Muchos de los conceptos descritos en estos blogs no se basan en las herramientas que estamos usando aquí y se pueden aplicar a otros escenarios.

See here for the original version in English language.