The Payara Monthly Catch: June 2021
Originally published on 02 Jul 2021
Last updated on 02 Jul 2021

June has been another busy month here at Payara Services, both internally - with our biggest yearly company event, Payara Week, taking place - and externally - with our 'Dismiss the Myths' Webinar series kicking off and proving to be one of our most popular community events yet.
We're halfway through 'Dismiss the Myths: Get to Know Jakarta EE (Java EE)' , a series of 6 webinars where our CEO and Founder Steve Millidgedismantles common misconceptions one by one. Check out thisblog for links to watch webinars that have already taken place, and sign up to the next three!
As for Payara Week, you may have seen the social media content around our team-building, future-planning, fun-having annual company summit - this time virtual, but no less engaging! We'll be following up with a full blog with pictures and details, but peek at one of the reimagined Payara Fishes from the week's photo competitions below.
We also got a Twitter blue-tick this month - proving once and for all that we are 'authentic, notable and active' - in our case, when it comes to providing top Jakarta EE and Java EE, MicroProfileand cloud content!
Momentum also continued to grow for our next-generation cloud native application runtimePayara Cloud, with key influencer Adam Bien presenting on it as an alternative toHelidon and Quarkus at the j4k conference. You can find out what he already had to say in his initial trial of the product here.
But it hasn't all been 'the Payara Show'. We've also searched for and shared the best tutorials, updates, news, articles and videos from our wider community - find them below!
Make sure you are following ourInstagram,Twitter,YouTubeandLinkedIn.You can alsocontribute toanddrive the future of Payara Platform via our GitHub.
OpenJDK Discusses Post-SecurityManager Practices - Erik Costlow provides a summary of the discussions around deprecating Java Security Manager. Organisations relevant to Payara Platform have had their say, including Netbeans and Eclipse Foundation.
Difference between Period and Duration class in Java 8? - In his latest informative blog, Javin Paul
discusses this popular interview question. Payara Platform can be used with OpenJDK 8 - so this may be useful.
JEP 411: Java's Security Model & the Principle of Least Privilege - In Foojay Peter Firmstone looks at Java's Authorization layer, which is unlike other languages - reviewed by
Erik Costlow and Nicolas Frankel.
5 Common mistakes in Java- Sakshi Khandelwal takes you through 5 errors to watch out for.
Restructuring JSON with JAX-RS ReaderInterceptors and a little bit of JSON-B Magic - Andrew McCright provides a solution to a common problem with RESTful services.
Why Classpath Exception (CPE) is so Important - Simon Ritter of Azul explains more about this element of OpenJDK GPLv2 licensing & how, if you're using OpenJDK , you need to check all files that need to have it, it won't automatically be everywhere!
Using Eclipse Collections as a collections framework for Java -Piotr Mińkowski shows you some useful features it provides.
explains how the AutoScale project looks to achieve dynamic scalability in Payara Server & Deployment Groups, using asadmin commands:
Where Is The Payara Fish This Month?
This month was our internal company culture and bonding extravaganza. We'll be sharing a full blog on the subject, but here is a Java-inspired Payara Fish created by our Internal Communications and Engagement Lead Mycah Banks for one of the week's photo competitions:
Videos & Podcasts
Why Do Developers Love IntelliJ IDEA? - In this video, JetBrains Developer Advocate Trisha Gee explains why developers love using Intellij IDEA - which you can use with Payara Platform as your IDE !
How to Secure Docker Containers - Francesco Ciulla talks to Snyk's Liran Tal about Docker container security & more.
Getting Started with JUnit 5 & Maven - Arto Santala shows you how to set up your Java environment for unit testing, in this short video. JUnit is the most popular Java unit testing tool, used often by our Payara Platform users!
Congratulations to Hazelcast Developer Advocate Nicolas Frankel - He is DZone Java Champion of the Month for May! Watch the video here where he discusses his win - and watch this space for an upcoming Payara collaboration with Nicolas & Hazelcast.
Survival Guide for the Java Architect in the Cloud Era -Otávio Santana presents to the an introduction to cloud-native - clearly & cleverly illustrating cloud types & the trade-offs you make when moving to the cloud.
Featuring Payara & Payarans!
Creating a Kubernetes Operator in Java - Payaran Rudy de Busscher gave a talk on the xgeeks YouTube channel. He kicked off a June speaker series for the company.
Java Annotated Monthly – June 2021 - Thank you Dalia Abo Sheasha - our Payara Platform 2021 survey is included here! She says: "I find it interesting to see data on the features developers are prioritizing. There is also good insight on Java EE, Jakarta EE adoption."
Adam Bien's mid-year predictions - Payara Cloud features! Read what he had to say in full.
Community News
June 2021 Payara Platform is here! -For Community, this means 1 new feature - AutoScale support for SSH nodes - 5 bug fixes, 1 improvement, & 2 component upgrades. Also, proof of concept for Payara's own Kubernetes Operator!
Apache NetBeans 12.4 - Have you seen that the most recent NetBeans release includes a new feature, to automatically detect & list Payara Platform versions in the server registration panel? Payaran Gaurav Gupta worked on this, more info here:.
Demystifying Java SE Level for Jakarta EE - Ivar Grimstad sheds light on how the Eclipse Foundation project is determining Java SE versions used for the next Jakarta EE release. Which version should be the source? Which should be the TCK ? What do you think?
UPDATED - Javin Paul's Top 30 Eclipse Java IDE Keyboard Shortcuts for Java Programmers
Fantastic insights in the Snyk JVM ecosystem report! - Including IntelliJ IDEA as the most popular IDE, Simon Ritter on fast-moving Java, Brian Vermeer on Java security, Maven as the most popular build tool, Adoptium as most popular OpenJDK.
Eclipse IDE Working Group is Formed - Jenna Sargent provides more information. Payara Platform provides the Payara Tools plugin to integrate Payara Server Community and Payara Micro Community into Eclipse Java IDE. Read more about this latest news around its development.
Java EE & JakartaEE: What IT leaders should know - Kevin Casey provides a useful overview, including Mike Milinkovich pointing out that the Jakarta EE Working Group is a who's who of Java industry leaders - including Payara!
You've heard of Java Champions but should there be Java Dragons? - Great interview with Helen Scott who talks with Anastasia Khomyakova about all things Java! Insight on Java IDEs , life after Java 17 & more.
What is a #JEP? -This month marked the 10th anniversary of the JDK Enhancement Proposal: the process for collecting proposals for enhancements to the Java Development Kit. Jose Paumard provides an introduction in this concise video.
PostgreSQL 14 Beta 2 Released! - Is PostgreSQL your database of choice for use with Payara? Look at what's in store further down the line, this release contains previews of features that will be available in the final release of PostgreSQL 14.
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