What's New in the Payara Platform April Release?

Photo of Debbie Hoffman by Debbie Hoffman

This month we release Payara Platform Enterprise 5.27.0 (request here) with 18 improvements and 3 new features, including an update to the previously released Upgrade Tool, an automated JBatch Job execution data cleanup feature, and the addition of a pluggable Notifier API with the ability to create your own notifiers.

Meanwhile, the Payara Platform Community 5.2021.2 (download here) includes improvements for running Jakarta EE 9 applications. 

Don't miss our release overview virtual event on the 20th of April, which is now open for registrations on Meetup here. 

Read more below to find out the details.

 Payara Platform  Download Here 

JBatch Job Execution Data Cleanup

There has been an update to the previously announced asadmin tool command for cleaning up JBatch Job execution data in both the Community and Enterprise Editions of the Payara Platform. Previously, this feature only worked with H2 databases, but as of the April release, it will now work for all supported databases.

Payara Platform Enterprise

Upgrade Tool

In January 2021 we introduced the Upgrade Tool as a minimally viable product (MVP) for Payara Server Enterprise users to make the process of upgrading from one version of Payara Server Enterprise to the next faster and easier.  Each release since then has offered improvements to the tool. 

In this April Release, Upgrade Tool V1.3 is no longer an MVP and is a full feature of Payara Server Enterprise. Upgrade Tool V1.3 adds the ability to specify a local download of Payara Server to upgrade to for users with no internet access or access to Nexus. 

Notifier API

The Notifier API was released for Payara Platform Community users in October of 2020. In this April release, the Notifier API is moved to Payara Enterprise in a backwards compatible way (there is no backwards compatibility in the Community Edition).

The Notifier API for Payara Enterprise will include a system for including the notifier for the selected channel (log, mail, 3rd party tool, etc) in a pluggable way. It also allows for 3rd parties to create their own Notifiers for their products.

Find out more in the Documentation.

Payara Platform Community

The April Payara Community Edition release provides improvements for running Jakarta EE 9 applications, mainly the Web profile specifications. Use the Payara Community Edition to run Jakarta EE 9 applications on Payara Platform 5. 

Release Notes

The Enterprise Release (request here) includes 3 new features,  9 bug fixes, and 18 improvements; while the Community Release (direct download here) includes  1 new feature,  20 bug fixes and 6 improvements.

See more detailed overview of the fixes and improvements in the Release Notes:

Download The Latest Payara Platform Release

Don't forget to update your Payara Platform to the new version! You can Download the Payara Community Edition here, or request the Payara Enterprise Edition via this form





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