The Payara Monthly Catch July 2023

Photo of Priya Khaira-Hanks by Priya Khaira-Hanks

It's time for the July Payara Monthly Catch. 

This month's pick includes:

  • Advice on contributing to open source
  • Our guide to Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning on Jakarta EE
  • More deep dives into what you can look forward to in Java 21
  • Tips to combat bugs and vulnerabilities

& more!

We collate articles and videos from outside Payara - ourJakarta EEandMicroProfilecommunity - as well as sharing Payara's own guides and blogs, and news from our team of "Payarans" (we start them small 😉 )🐣⬇


 We hope you find some good reading materials below - maybe some summer holiday reading, if like many of our Northern hemisphere colleagues you are jetting off somewhere...


What was everyone talking about on the conference circuit this year?🧐- Fascinating analysis of different conferences by Marcus Hellberg.

Debugging OpenJDK - Tests in VS Code (Without Losing Your Mind). Jtreg is the test harness used by the JDK test framework. Attaching a debugger is cumbersome to enable debugging in #VSCode - but Johannes Bechberger tells you to worry no more!

Abstract classes vs. interfaces in Java- Why should you choose one over the other? Take the challenge! 

Making Life Easier Around Data: Java, Jakarta EE - In this article, Otavio Santana covers the next steps of Jakarta EE around the world of data & its techniques to work as more besides just the data source.

Understanding Security Vulnerabilities: Preventing Attacks - What are the common vulnerabilities we need to be aware of? How do they look & how can we better protect ourselves from these common attacks? Shai Almog answers.

How to run standalone Jakarta Batch Jobs - Jakarta Batch is a specification that provides a standardized approach for implementing batch processing in Java. Francesco Marchioni tells you more.

Breaking java.lang.String- Wouter Coekaerts reveals a bug in java.lang.String - to show that not all empty Strings are equal to each other!

CompletableFuture & ThreadPool in Java- CompletableFuture is a valuable tool for simplifying asynchronous & non-blocking programming. Emanuel Trandafir discusses it & the thread pool it leverages.

Polishing Diamonds in Java💎- Donald Raab shows you how to manage interface change in diamond hierarchies in Java.

How to Create an Open Source Pull Request- Marit van Dijk shows you how to contribute to open source software. Remember you can contribute to Payara, search for us on GitHub!

PostgreSQL vs. MySQL: a Complete Comparison in 2023 - It's hard to choose! - Tianzhou Chen helps you out.

Soft delete & JPA version property- Vlad Mihalcea blog. He shows you how you can implement a soft delete mechanism when the JPA entity features a version property.

Podcasts & Videos 

A Freakonomic Guide to Jakarta EE with a Guardian - It's a meeting of minds! Adam Bien talks to Reza Rahman about Jakarta EE friendly Azure & 'Java as a fountain of youth'?! 👼⛲
Will Git Be Around Forever? A List of Possible Successors - Hanno Embregts is wondering: what will we use another ten years from now? What features would YOU want from your version control software in 2032? Watch the talk.

A Developer's Guide to Effective Software Testing- Mauricio Aniche is on the Tech Lead Journal podcast, talking automated tests, unit vs integration testing and more. Listen now.
What's Arriving for JFR in JDK 21 - Inside Java Newscast 53- JDK 21 is around the corner and bringing several key changes in #JDK Flight Recorder, including one that will make analyzing JFR recordings easier from the command line. Billy Korando explains. 
Adam Bien talks with Roni Dover- Bug Driven Development & continuous feedback, the wrong focus on unit tests, improving your code with observability & more. 

July Guides

This guide covers disadvantages and advantages of AI/ML, Java frameworks for Machine Learning like Meka and Deep Java Library, neural networks like Deeplearning4j, expert systems like OptaPlanner and Natural Language Processing like CoreNLP and Apache OpenNLP.

Vaadin is an open source UI development framework that has a pure Java API for development of modern, rich web applications. In this guide, we look at building rich web applications with Vaadin on the Jakarta EE Platform.

July Blogs

Watch Back Webinars

Coming Up!

  • We are sponsoring JConf Guatemala on 5th August! Payara's Fabio Turizo will be attending and speaking. 

Payara NewsF0GvsioXoAENFF_-2

We headed toDevBcn, Barcelona's developer conference. Payara's Emanuel Saad was on the Eclipse Foundation booth, ready to talk all things Jakarta EE, MicroProfile and Payara. We also held a raffle, where a lucky winner won a Nintendo Switch!
Payara as a company also chose our charity of the year. We all vote as a team on which charity to support - this year we chose Children International.Read more about ithere.


Payara Enterprise. 

Build Fast and Secure. ✅Supported.✅ Best for Jakarta EE and MicroProfile.✅


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