The Payara Monthly Roundup for May 2019
Originally published on 03 Jun 2019
Last updated on 03 Jun 2019
This was a big month for the Payara Team. We just released Payara Platform 5.192, we toured all across Japan and there has been plenty going on in the Java world with the announcement by the Eclipse Foundation regarding the continued use of the javax namespace.
Cant wait until the end of the month? then visit our twitter page where we post all these articles as we find them!
Create nice-looking JSF 2.3 applications with PrimeFaces 7.0 - In this new "Howto" blog, Philip Riecks demonstrates how easy & fast you can create applications with Java Server Faces and PrimeFaces components with a small demo app.
Google Releases New Java Logging Framework - Google announced the release of a new open source Java logging framework called Flogger that improves upon existing logging frameworks by reducing the cost of disabled log statements, increasing overall readability, and allowing extensibility.
A Reading List for Java Programmers - Covering topics from core Java to best practices, to unit testing, clean code, and Spring framework.
MicroProfile: What You Need to Know - In this post, Reza Rahman takes a closer look at MicroProfile, what it is, and how to best implement it in your Java projects.
Beyond Java 8 - Trisha Gee looks beyond Java 8, and takes a closer look at the JDK release cycle, new licensing model from Oracle, and why so many developers are still using Java 8.
Java Dev Environments with Containers - "Go from zero to hero without having to install JDK, Maven, Gradle or anything like that with prebaked Java dev environments in containers." by Bruno Borges
Java Benchmarking with JMH (Java Microbenchmark Harness) - Get a simple introduction to Java benchmarking with JMH (Java Microbenchmark Harness) in this blog by Philip Riecks
Scaling Payara Micro Applications with #Kubernetes - Kubernetes can manage the containerized version of an app. Here's how to run your Payara Micro app in a scaled fashion by defining the scaling manually, or automatically with the Horizontal Pod scaler.
Handling File Uploads with MicroProfile by Jorge Cajas
9 High-Performance Tips when using PostgreSQL with JPA and Hibernate - by Vlad Mihalcea. If you are struggling with data access performance issues, then you should definitely check out these PostgreSQL performance tuning tips.
Don't Fear the Java - Updates to Java have changed and you now have more choice than ever for where to get your JDK.
Kubernetes and Istio for Jakarta EE Developers - This session shows how to implement service-meshed applications using Jakarta EE and MicroProfile. We will develop a mesh of microservices, managed by Kubernetes and Istio.
Jakarta EE + MicroProfile Quickstarter - Adam Bien creates, builds and deploys a Jakarta EE & MicroProfile project with Maven in under 4mins!
Bootstrapping a new JSF 2.3 (Java EE 8) project in under one minute
Java, Today and Tomorrow by Mark Reinhold
Simple #React application making HTTP Get and Post requests to Java Servlet - This is a basic React app (which only does a simple Get and Post request) that interfaces with a Java servlet running on payara server.
MicroProfile and ConfigMaps - In this 5min video, Adam Bien shows how to use ConfigMaps to configure a MicroProfile application. Deployed with the Payara 5 s2i Builder for Openshift.
Airhacks Interviews with Adam Bien - Not to long ago, senior Payara engineers Arjan Tijms and Ondro Mihalyi were able to individually chat to Adam Bien on his popular airhacks podcast! Discussing everything from their first time coding to current day issues and projects.
Best Podcasts for Remote Java Developers - The Best Podcasts for Remote Java Developers are focused on a mix of Java, Knowledge, and Remote topics. This is actually an article not a podcast!
Community News
Update on Jakarta EE Rights to Java Trademarks - Summary of progress to date and implications of the agreement between Eclipse and Oracle on Jakarta EE and use of Java trademarks and the javax namespace. By Mike Milinkovich
Jakarta EE 8 and Beyond - Payara CEO Steve Millidge gives his thoughts on how Jakarta EE should evolve given the Eclipse Foundation announcement of an update on Jakarta EE Rights to Java Trademarks.
Java EE, Jakarta EE and the Dead "javax" - Adam Bien adds his thoughts and summary of the "Javax" issue in Java EE/ JakartaEE.
What's New in Payara Platform 192? - Arjan Tijms writes about some of the stand outs from this latest release, including: JDK11, Docker Nodes, JAX-WS Tracing, EJB Remote over HTTP, MicroProfile 2.2, Certificate Realm, upgrades and fixes.
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