The Payara Monthly Catch: September 2021
Originally published on 01 Oct 2021
Last updated on 01 Oct 2021

We hope you enjoy our September Payara Monthly Catch - a collection of articles, videos & podcasts around Java, Jakarta EE, MicroProfile, open source and cloud computing!
This month the major news for the Enteprise Java community community was the release ofJDK 17, the next Long-Term Support (LTS) OpenJDK release. Find our pick of the best resources relating to this below, including Payaran Rudy De Busscherexplaining how Payara Platform will soon support JDK 17 and why.
TheEclipse FoundationJakarta EE Developer Surveyresults also came out, revealing that Java EE 8, Jakarta EE 8 and Jakarta EE 9 are now hitting the mainstream, with 75% adoption among respondents.
It's also been a great month for resources and compatabilities for our related technologies: Jelastic has introduced an auto-clustering option for use with Payara, andAzure produced an official best practice sample. More related technologies are realising how many of their users want to use Payara Platform, and creating tools to make this easier!
You can find us onInstagram,Twitter,YouTubeandLinkedIn.You can alsocontribute toanddrive the futureof Payara Platform via our GitHub.
Java 17 and IntelliJ IDEA - In this blog, Mala Gupta focuses on Java 17 language features – Sealed Classes and Pattern Matching for switch, why you might need them, & how you can start using them. She highlights how these features can reduce the cognitive complexity for developers.
Adam Bien Airhacks Q+ A - Early in the episode he discusses Payara Cloud & his interview with Patrik Dudits, explaining how with Payara Cloud "The Payara Server becomes the Kubernetes
operator & it starts & stops Payara Micro indirectly."
Better Random Number Generation in Java 17- Nicolai Parlog explains how Java 17 expands the API for random number generation to make it more usable, extensible & robust.
A list of all Java & JVM features since OpenJDK 8 to 17- Dávid Csákvári provides a categorized & curated list of the most important improvements coming from the 194 JDK Enhancements the language has seen since Java 8.
What is OpenJDK?- Simon Ritter of Azul Systems explains that OpenJDK is the result of Java SE development moving to open source in 2006, creating an inclusive way to shape Java & allowing for a range of distributions. Great to reflect on this process in the month of JDK 17's release!
Reassessing TestNG vs. JUnit- You can use both to run tests against Payara Server & Micro, but which is the best?! Nicolas Frankel provides his thoughts: JUnit has improved, but there are still areas where TestNG shines.
Reclaim 25% of Java Heap Memory & Lower Your Cloud Bills - Top tip from new Foojay author
A N M Bazlur Rahman & a reason to upgrade your version of Java - Java 11 onwards introduces the new compact Strings.
Book Review: Practical Cloud-Native Java Development with MicroProfile with Emily Jiang, Andrew McCright, John Alcorn, David Chan and Alasdair Nottingham - Víctor Orozco provides an overview of this book, which will be helpful for Payara users, especially those using Payara Micro.
6 Java features you don’t want to miss- Matthew Tyson suggests a faster release cadence will make it harder to keep track of new features. Here he covers Optional Class, Record Class, string method, Switch Expression, text blocks & Sealed Classes.
Modelling sequence-based composite primary keys with Hibernate - Composite primary keys are primary keys with more than 1 entry attribute or database column. Mapping them to a #JPA entity presents challenges, which Thorben Janssen solves.
Run Payara Micro on Azure Kubernetes Service- Payara provides resources to use Payara with Azure & will soon launch Payara Cloud on Azure. Now there is an official 'best practice' sample for using the technologies together!
Why does Payara Platform only support LTS versions of the JDK?- New blog by Rudy de Busscher
explains. Following the short cadence would mean updating code every 6 months, prioritising new features over stability.
What’s new in Java 17- Dmytro Timchenko provides another useful guide to the new Long-Term Support release - now ready for use in production. He goes through updates & new features.
Comic of the Month
Source unknown - thank you for sharing Ian Miell! If you relate, check out our Payara Cloud page... Coming Soon!
Videos & Podcasts
Foojay Podcast #3: Journey to Jakarta EE- Foojay community members Erik Costlow, Ivar Grimstad, Rudy De Busscher and Josh Juneau discuss the modernization of Jakarta EE applications from the older Java EE form, including backwards-compatibility, as well as forwards-excitement about cool new developments like Microprofile.
What Does the Future Hold for Java?- InfoQ panellists Charles Humble, Trisha Gee, Simon Ritter, Ron Pressler and Emily Jiang discuss the enduring popularity of Java & its future, including AOT compilation.
New OffHeap episode -Java Champion Ken Kousen discusses his new book with Freddy Guime, Josh Juneau, Bob Paulin & Michael T Minella - as well as Java tech news around Project Loom & Apple Surveillance.
Monica Beckwith : Z Garbage Collector: Look Ma, ~No Pause! - This video sees Monica go into detail on Garbage Collection in the JVM & in particular the Z Garbage Collector, production ready from JDK 15!
Are OpenJDK Builds Created Equal?-There's a proliferation of OpenJDK builds, Simon Ritter tells you why. He covers also covers how Long-Term Support for all releases isn't practical.
Community News
Oracle adds improvement cream to the newest LTS version of Java- "With the plan for Jakarta EE 10 already formalized and the continued growth in the use of Jakarta EE 9, the cloud-native future of open source enterprise Java has never looked brighter." - Mike Milinkovich, the Eclipse Foundation executive director.
Apache ActiveMQ Artemis embraces Jakarta EE- Providing 2 clients using the Jakarta Messaging specs: ActiveMQ Artemis JMS Client (Jakarta Messaging 2.0 for Jakarta EE 8) & ActiveMQ Artemis Jakarta Client (Jakarta Messaging 3.0 for #JakartaEE 9).
Payara-compatible IDE update alert! 2021-09 Eclipse Java IDE Improvements- This video details changes in the IDE, added since its last release in June. You can start a Jakarta EE application using the Payara Server plugin on the Eclipse IDE.
The 2021 Jakarta EE Developer Survey Results are now available! Take a look at the key findings from this year’s survey responses.
Apache Kafka 3.0 is out!- Payara Platform includes a Cloud Connector - a JCA adapter for use with cloud messaging providers - to use with Apache Kafka ! Therefore, this new release may be of interest.
Jelastic PaaS provides automated clustering in the cloud for Payara!- Tetiana Fydorenchyk explains: choose Payara application server under the Java tab in Jelastic topology wizard, select the auto-clustering option & configure with horizontal scaling.
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