The Payara Monthly Catch: June 2022
Originally published on 30 Jun 2022
Last updated on 30 Jun 2022

All the best of Java, Jakarta EE, open source, DevOps and cloud from the month of June! Tutorials, videos, podcasts, blogs and news ... carefully curated for our audience.
Welcoming what's new seems to be a theme in June (despite the warnings of our Cartoon of the Month!). We even have a new monthly catch image!
Jakarta EE 10is approaching. There are some good Jakarta EE 10 pieces in this roundup - check out Reza Rahman and A N M Bazlur Rahman below. There is also lots of content around new versions of Java SE, either enterprises taking the plunge with a move to Java 11 or Java 17, or developers looking ahead to Java 19.
At Payara we have our own reasons to get excited and embrace change with the release of Jakarta EE 10, having both driven the project throughour involvementwith theEclipse Foundation, and having our own Jakarta EE 10 compatible implementation ready to launch as soon as possible, Payara 6. Payara 5 Community will soon be discontinued, meaning you must move to Jakarta EE 10 if you are using our free product; find out morehere.
Java conferences were also in full swing this month. We attendedJNation in Coimbra, Portugal - find our videos from the eventhereandhere.
We hope you enjoy some Java learning below and also get excited for the future this month! See you next month, when Jakarta EE 10 will be out in the world.
You can follow us onInstagram,Twitter,YouTubeandLinkedIn.You can alsocontribute toanddrive the futureof Payara Platform via ourGitHub or get involved answering and asking questions on ourPayara Forum.
Demystifying the Kubernetes iceberg- Kubernetes is like an iceberg, argues Anton Sankov, because the more you learn, the more there is to know! Here he explains concepts listed in the “Kubernetes Iceberg” meme by (pictured right).
Embracing Java 17: Here’s What We Learned at Picnic -
"Most Java 17 blogs focus on shiny new features. We'd like to share what it takes to adopt Java 17 in a large tech team."
Jakob Löhnertz for Foojay, read read the grocery delivery company's Java 17 story.
Loom & Thread Fairness- Project Loom is eagerly anticipated. One aspect to explore is thread scheduling fairness for CPU-bound workloads. Gunnar Morling discusses in this open-ended, thoughtful blog.
What Can We Expect In OpenJDK 19?- Although the Java 19 release is coming in September (2022-09-20), it's not too early to investigate. In this article, Miro Wengner touches on upcoming features: Record Patterns, Virtual Threads & more.
When Serverless really shines (and when to avoid it) - Sylvain Kerkour offers his view on serverless. He is looking at serverless mainly with something like AWS Lambda. Products like Payara Cloud may change the game even further...
Remote Debugging & Developer Observability - On Foojay, Shai Almog goes over remote debugging - Debugging production with developer observability tools and debugging asynchronous code which presents its own unique challenges!
Unit Test Private Methods in Java - This newly updated article explains why it's not a good idea to test a private method & how to do it if it's extremely necessary. Read now.
LinkedIn's journey to Java 11- Sometimes, you have to upgrade! LinkedIn describe how they have done it, including upgrading Gradle & accessing garbage collection improvements. A great case study if you are scared of making the jump!
How Java Apps Litter Beyond the Heap- A look from DZone, Denis Magda at the garbage Java applications generate, demonstrated with some help from PostgreSQL & SSDs.
OAuth 2.0Java Developers- Java has rich support for OAuth 2.0, even though it's not part of any Java standards, including the Payara API annotation creating an authorisation mechanism for support. Read more about OAuth here.
Streaming data with PostgreSQL, Debezium & Apache Kafka - With stream processing, we’re processing data continuously & as soon as it becomes available. Cliff Sama explains more in this great introductory article.
"Jakarta EE is an integral part of the Java ecosystem. 25-35% of Java application runs on Jakarta EE application servers." - A N M Bazlur Rahman talks about the Top 7 Features in JakartaEE
10, in this great blog.
Hard Things in Computer Science by Nicolas Frankel - He suggests that some of the hardest things are Cache Invalidation, Naming Things, DistributedSystems and Estimates.
Videos & Podcasts
Adam Bien Airhacks Q+A - It is a myth that native compilation runs with less memory, therefore reduces cloud costs. Adam explains that memory is usually coupled with CPUs in billing models, so you have to buy more memory anyway!
7 Code Speed Tips to 10X Your Productivity- Arto Santala takes just 15 minutes to speed up your VS Code process.
Java 19 Virtual Threads- JEP Café 11 - Learn about virtual threads, the new model for threads, added to the JDK 19 as a preview feature by the Project Loom project. Jose Paumard explains.
Monitoring, Logging, & Alerting In Kubernetes- Viktor Farcic provides his view on the best combination of tools, including Prometheus and Grafana.
Java 19 - The Best Java Release? - This Inside Java Newscast 27 is part software expertise, part travel video - Crete looks amazing! Nicolai Parlog reports from his holiday on Java 19 - watch now.
Jakarta EE 10 & Beyond- Reza Rahman for Arab JUG, exploring the state & future of Jakarta EE 10
Watch now for a high-level feature tour.
Cartoon of the Month
If it isn't broken, don't fix it - great message fromCommitStrip. You're not a magpie, it's not always about the shiniest new thing!
Community News
Almost there! Jakarta EE 10 is nearly ready, & the celebrations have already started! - An update on Jakarta EE 10 final stages. The Payara team are busy working too on our compatible implementation Payara 6.
Java on Azure Tooling Update – June 2022- Find out about the new Azure toolkit for Intellij IDEA
& added support for more Azure services. Read now.
Java VS Code Update - June 2022 - Nick Zhu updates us on the improvements in this IDE for Java - we have an extension for use with Payara! This month JUnit testing is enhanced & Java 17 is default in Remote Containers.
The Stack Overflow Developer Survey 2022 came out- Fantastic graphics reveal which are the most popular languages, tools & frameworks - as well as giving insight into demographics of coders. Java remains one of the most popular languages. Get stuck in!
Eclipse 2022-06 Java IDE Improvements - We have a Payara Tools plugin to integrate into Eclipse Java IDE. Holger Voormann takes you through June improvements.
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