The Payara Monthly Catch: December 2021
Published on 04 Jan 2022

Welcome to the first Monthly Catch of 2022 - looking back at the last month of 2021! We celebrate the most useful articles, videos, tips and tricks from our community in December - as well as round-up where you can find Payarans and the Payara Platform outside of our channels.
People have had time to useJava17 extensively and are providing more evaluative, rather that descriptive, viewpoints, such as Brian Vermeer looking at howthe new Long Term Release impacts insecure deserialization, and Cay Horstmann's 'The Nice, the Meh and the Ugly'.
Big news of the month for ourJakarta EEcommunity was the release ofMicroProfile5.0! It was mainly focused on updating dependencies from javax to the jakarta namespace. This new release of the microservices-orientated specifications will be supported in Payara 6, set for Q1 2022 Beta release in Community, Q2 2022 release for Enterprise.
In less positive news, the Log4j vulnerability dominated discussion in the Java community. All our products are unaffected, but we recommend that you upgrade to the latest version of Log4j, especially when running on a vulnerable JDK version.
This month, perhaps the most important event of the year for Enterprise Java took place: the Eclipse FoundationJakarta One Conference! As well as Payara's Product ManagerRudy De Busscher and CEOSteve Millidgetaking part, Payara was proud to be featured in two other talks: Kevin Wittekusing Payara for a Testcontainers example,andAdam Bien highlighting our Payara Cloud product in his discussion of cloud-native technologies.
You can follow us onInstagram,Twitter,YouTubeandLinkedIn.You can alsocontribute toanddrive the futureof Payara Platform via ourGitHub or get involved answering and asking questions on ourPayara Forum.
9 High-Performance Tips when using MySQL with JPA and Hibernate - Every relational database is unique - so it's important to look at what you can do to boost performance! Adjust your data access layer... Vlad Mihalcea explains how.
New Java 17 Features for Improved Security & Serialization- Brian Vermeer of Snyk on Foojay - how do new features impact the problem of insecure deserialization?
A personal, evaluative view of JDK 17 - The Nice, the Meh, & the Ugly by Cay Horstmann, who doesn't pull any punches! Have a read & see if you agree.
JUnit 5 Testing Basics - Chandra Guntur for Foojay continuing his JUnit series - using JUnit 5 annotations now in an actual example. Have a read.
Arrays of Wisdom of the Ancients- The Java language & JDK Class Library have two distinct, yet connected, ways to group elements: arrays & collections. Aleksey Shipilëv here attempts to answer a controversial question: which pattern is faster?
Package by Feature, Not by Layer - A short but sweet article by Expedia Group - it is suggested that organising Java apps by layer needlessly encourages large, unwieldy classes, & you should consider packaging by feature instead.
Get to Know Jakarta MVC- Ivar Grimstad provides a spotlight on this Jakarta EE specification - with a recap of its history & status, & a brief introduction to the technology.
What Is Eclipe Foundation MicroProfile? - JRebel Java explains: MicroProfile is a set of Enterprise Java APIs for the optimal development of cloud-native microservices. Payara is one of its implementations.
5 Java Coding Skills I Didn't Learn at University- Helen Scott in a short & sweet blog for Java advent - your Java learning journey does not stop when you graduate, far from it.
Java: Creating Terabyte Sized Queues with Low-Latency - This DZone article sees Speedment
CTO Per-Åke Minborg describe how to how to leverage an open source library to create large, persisted queues with high performance & low latency.
Starting with information security - Otávio Santana busts myths & teaches us how to understand information security as a methodology. This is a clear & comprehensive guide, perfect for passing to managers who may be asking, what exactly IS DevSecOps ?
6 Essential Data Structures Every Java Programmer should Learn in 2022- JavinPaul shows you some different ways you can structure your programs - with useful diagrams. Read here.
New Developer Friendly Features After Java - Piotr Minkowski describes the most significant & developer-friendly features of Java since the 8th version. 30% of respondents to our October survey use Java 8 - so hopefully this will be useful.
Six Features from Java 12 to 17 to Get Excited About!- Christopher Bielak for InfoQ. It can be intimidating to migrate to Java 17 as a large project, but maybe these features will help you make your decision..
5 things you probably didn't know about Java Concurrency - A N M Bazlur Rahman tells us about key threading concepts in this concise, useful piece. Translate these to Jakarta EE with the #JakartaEE Concurrency specification.
Videos & Podcasts
Community News
Watch the celebratory video.
Featuring Payara and Payarans!
Live From Voxxed Days Bucharest: Java Clouds and Cost Driven Architectures - Adam Bien
suggests Payara as one of the runtimes you could use when implementing microservices and when going serverless - you don't need GraalVM !
Testcontainers Jakarta Demo - Kevin Wittek uses Payara Micro to demonstrate testing Jakarta EE applications with Testcontainers. Take a look at the GitHub repository for his JakartaOne Conference demonstration.
Our CEO & Founder Steve Millidge featured in the Eclipse Foundation Community Newsletter - As part of its Jakarta EE focus this month, Steve discusses the Jakarta Concurrency specification - what it does, why it's important, where it is going.
Log4Shell in a nutshell- Micah Silverman provides a useful guide to the vulnerability: it will help explain it to non-developers in your business! Remember, it's NOT found in Payara products but if using it, make sure you upgrade!
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