Stability Stream Releases: Payara 4.1.181 and 5.181

Photo of Debbie Hoffman by Debbie Hoffman

The Payara Platform stability stream releases are available only to our support customers to provide consistency, security, and stability for your production environment. The stability stream releases provide bug and security fixes to the current feature set of 5.181 and 4.181 for 12 months, with no component upgrades or new features that could potentially cause problems. If you’re in need of a secure, stable production environment, consider investing in Payara Support to receive the benefits of our stability stream releases.

Learn more about Payara Support.



The release include 10 bug fixes and a security fix. You can read more about them on GitHub.



  • [PAYARA-2633] - Domain fails to start after setting up file encoding to UTF-8 via JVM options
  • [PAYARA-2674] - UpdateApplicationRef Command Doesn't Replicate Across Cluster
  • [PAYARA-2677] - Context Classloaders in EAR are set incorrectly with Hazelcast
  • [PAYARA-2686] - MP Metrics Service custom metric definition overrides default server metrics
  • [PAYARA-2687] - Fix ConfigBuilder does not add default converters
  • [PAYARA-2688] - Custom metrics.xml file is not copied to remote nodes in clustering scenario
  • [PAYARA-2691] - Resource validation fails due to null Context ClassLoader
  • [PAYARA-2706] - MEMM Health check using wrong calculation for used memory
  • [PAYARA-2711] - Compress on Rotation doesn't work for Payara Notification Logger
  • [PAYARA-2716] - Help text in Micro refers to deploying EAR files and these are not supported



Payara 5.181.3

The release include 14 bug fixes, a security update, an upstream bug fix, and an improvement. You can read more about them on GitHub.


  • Bug

    • [PAYARA-2376] - InvocationException when deploying an application with a deployment error
    • [PAYARA-2633] - Domain fails to start after setting up file encoding to UTF-8 via JVM options
    • [PAYARA-2661] - MicroProfile Metrics does not work when secured
    • [PAYARA-2674] - UpdateApplicationRef Command Doesn't Replicate Across Cluster
    • [PAYARA-2677] - Context Classloaders in EAR are set incorrectly with Hazelcast
    • [PAYARA-2686] - MP Metrics Service custom metric definition overrides default server metrics
    • [PAYARA-2687] - Fix ConfigBuilder does not add default converters
    • [PAYARA-2688] - Custom metrics.xml file is not copied to remote nodes in clustering scenario
    • [PAYARA-2691] - Resource validation fails due to null Context ClassLoader
    • [PAYARA-2698] - Update serverHeader option in admin console
    • [PAYARA-2699] - REST monitoring service (Jolokia) is broken on Payara 5
    • [PAYARA-2700] - Cannot send asadmin command from Admin console to Payara Micro instance(s)
    • [PAYARA-2711] - Compress on Rotation doesn't work for Payara Notification Logger
    • [PAYARA-2716] - Help text in Micro refers to deploying EAR files and these are not supported


  • Improvement

    • [PAYARA-2666] - Show DeploymentException which is hidden behind InvocationException


  • Security


  • Upstream Bug

    • [PAYARA-2541] - Fix rare race condition in grizzly initialization


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