Payara 6 is Here (Almost!) - Webinar

Photo of Priya Khaira-Hanks by Priya Khaira-Hanks

Payara Platform Community 6.2022.1 will be released very soon (scheduled for next week!)

It is the first stable release of the Payara 6 Community stream and will be the updated, current version of Payara Platform Community. 

It willrun with Jakarta EE 10 ONLY, meaning that current Payara Community users will need to move toJakarta EE 10 or choose aPayara Enterprise subscription to stay with Jakarta EE 8. This webinar is your chance to ask your questions and prepare before the final Payara 5 Community release in December:

"Payara 6 Community is Here!"

Friday, November 4th, 2pm GMT

Senior Software Engineer at Payara Andrew Pielage will talk through:

  • Jakarta EE 10 - What's new
  • MicroProfile 5.0
  • Issues to watch out for as you migrate to Payara 6 Community - moving to JDK 11
  • Package name changes
  • What's next for Payara Platform - IDE integration, MicroProfile 6.0 etc
  • Payara 5 Community Terminal Release
  • Payara 6 Enterprise

Join him on November 4, 2pm GMT.

Register here 

Payara 6 webinar image

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