Webinar Series - What's New in Jakarta EE 10
Originally published on 06 Jan 2023
Last updated on 27 Jan 2023

In September 2022, the Jakarta EE community achieved a huge milestone with Jakarta EE 10 being released (read more here). The key goals of the Jakarta EE 10 release are simplicity, modernization and ensuring it is lightweight. It's been a few months since this major release, so we thought it's a good time now to do a bit of a recap. We invite you to join our series of fast-paced, no slides webinars that will bring you up to speed with Jakarta EE 10!
What's New In Jakarta EE 10 - Part 1 - Microservices
Jakarta EE 10is the first feature release of the platform since its move to Eclipse Foundation. It comes with many new features and enhancements that will make you even more productive with the platform.
This first in a series of three Payara webinars takes a bird’s eye view of the notable changes in Jakarta EE 10 that enhance your use of the microservices architecture pattern. This installment of the series will take a look at:
- Java SE 17 support
- The lighter Core Profile
- Fatless CDI, aka CDI Lite
- OpenID Connect support in Security
- Jakarta REST bootstrap API
- Jakarta EE 10 support in Payara Platform
By the end of this fast paced, no slides webinar, you will have a grasp of what Jakarta EE 10 has to offer in using it to craft your microservices applications.
What's New In Jakarta EE 10 - Part 2 - Traditional Enterprise Development
In this second installment of the Payara webinar series on Jakarta EE 10, we take a look at new features and enhancements for traditional enterprise applciations. Topics include:
- @ManagedExecutorDefinition
- Native support for UUID as entity keys in Jakarta Persistence
- Multipart/form-data support in Jakarta REST
- Enhanced scopes with @ClientWindowScoped in Faces
- Typesafe Java API for creating Faces views
This rapid fire, no slides webinar will bring you up to speed with Jakarta EE 10. By the end of this installment of the webinar series, you will be have a grasp of what Jakarta EE has to offer in its latest iteration for traditional application development.
What's New In Jakarta EE 10 - Part 3 - What Got Removed or Deprecated?
Jakarta EE 10 is the first feature release of the platform since its move to Eclipse Foundation. This release comes with a number of features and enhancements that make Enterprise Java development on the platform even more productive.
As part of removing “excess fat” and streamlining the various API, Jakarta EE 10 removed as well as deprecated a few things.
In this final installment of the Payara Jakarta EE 10 webinar series, we take a look at what got demoted through deprecation and what got kicked out through full removal. Among the topics for discussion are:
- @Context annotation in REST
- EJB Entity Beans
- Embeddable EJB container
- Servlet/Faces/CDI features
This fast paced, no slides webinar will help you navigate these changes so you can plan your own project accordingly.
We hope to see you there!
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