Watch the Recording: Evolution of Jakarta EE Runtimes Post Java 17 - Payara Panel Discussion

Photo of Dominika Tasarz by Dominika Tasarz

Over the past few years, the pace of Java Platform, Standard Edition releases, has become much faster, with a much predictable biannual releases, with a LTS every 18 months. Watch this fireside chat by Payara Engineers who dive into some of the major changes from Java 17 to the upcoming 21, and explore these changes within the context of Enterprise Java development on the Jakarta EE Platform.

Some broad questions that are discussed include:

  • What are the notable features?
  • What change each engineer is most excited about
  • What can you use today as a jakarta EE developer?
  • What impact this new release cadence has on you as a Jakarta EE developer
  • Any plans of adopting some of the major changes into Jakarta EE?
  • How you can contribute to help align Jakarta EE with the much faster base Java SE
  • ...and much more!



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