Posts tagged Payara Enterprise (7)

How Rakuten Card is Driving Innovation with Payara Platform in a Traditionally Conservative Japanese Tech Culture

Arshal Ameen, the application architect atRakuten Card - the number one credit card issuer in Japan- recently spoke at the 2019 Kafka Summit. His talk focused on how Rakuten Card is driving innovation in a traditionally conservative Japanese tech culture and how Payara Enterprise Support is helping out on this journey. He also shares further information about the company’s future plans for its Payara environment.

Payara Enterprise Support Success Story: JDBC Connection Pool Behaviour

As part of the Payara Enterprise Support services that we deliver to customers on a daily basis, giving expert advice and clarifying how the internals of the products of the Payara Platform work is one of the most common scenarios we encounter. Here's' a story about the advice we gave to one of our customers regarding the behavior of JDBC Connection Pools in Payara Server.

Help Maintain PCI Compliance with Payara Support

If your business processes branded credit card data (such as Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover), you must comply with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS). The requirements were developed and are maintained by the Payment Card Industry Security Standards to reduce credit card fraud and implement increased controls around cardholder information. For companies using the Payara Platform, having a Payara Enterprise subscription helps you maintain compliance.

Swisscom Relied on Payara Support Services to Migrate from GlassFish to Payara Server

When a leading telecoms company in Switzerland, Swisscom, transitioned to Payara Server from GlassFish for their mission critical applications, they found the migration easy and without problems. In fact, having Payara Enterprise Support meant Swisscom had access to a customer-only build which shortened the time to getting a fix to test by two months and 24x7 access to Payara engineers.