What Java Versions and Tools Do Payara Users Prefer?

Photo of Priya Khaira-Hanks by Priya Khaira-Hanks

Using Payara Platform? You might be interested in what tools, OpenJDK versions and Jakarta EE releases our global community choose! 

We regularly conduct surveys to learn what technologies are most commonly used with Payara Platform, so we can work on our integrations and plug-ins.

This survey was promoted in October/November 2022 via social media, emails, blogs and our Payara Forum.

Download the Payara Community Survey

Highlights - Payara Community Survey 2022

Embracing the New Jakarta Namespace 

This was the yearJakarta EE10 was released, the first update to bring new features and improvements to the jakarta namespace, which came out with Jakarta EE 9. 

65% of respondents are ready to make the leap to jakarta, with 60% planning to move to Payara 6 Community, one of its first compatible implementations. We havea guideready for those looking to move to Jakarta EE 10.

Java 11 and Java 17 Most Popular 

It was almost an even tie betweeen Java 11 and Java 17 for most used, with 32% and 31% of respondents respectively using these versions or planning to migrate in the next couple of months. 

This makes a change from2021's survey, where only 14% of respondents were considering Java 17. Users are ready to embrace the change! 

Not Just Better than GlassFish - Better than Alternatives

In previous surveys,GlassFishhas proven to be the application server most respondents migrate from. However, this time, 71% of migrations were from application servers other than GlassFish - proving that Payara Platform is not just more popular Glassfish, but thancompeting alternatives! 

We have seen a huge increase in those migrating from JBoss EAP – from 4% in our 2021 survey to
21% today! One reason for this is our better, faster admin console, requiring no specialist knowledge.

Planning for Payara Cloud!

79% of respondents were planning to use Payara Cloud, our new PAAS solution automating cloud infrastructure deployment tasks for Jakarta EE applications. You can subscribe or find out morehere.

We hope this Survey gives you an idea of how fellow Payara Platform users build their stack. 

Remember, we have an active Payara Forum for communicating with the community, asking questions and helping each other. Check it outhere.

Payara Forum


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