How Does Payara 6 Affect Your Application’s Future?
Originally published on 03 May 2022
Last updated on 06 May 2022

The release of Payara 6 Community in a few weeks will be a turning point for many of our users. It's important you review all possibilities in advance. Consider migration to be supported, secure and maintain peace of mind!
We recommend moving to Payara Enterprise, which we consider the most cost-effective and business-savvy choice. In this blog we explain 5 different scenarios.
Hear yourself saying any of the below? Contact our Teamhere.
1. "We Are Using Payara Community And Want to Stay on Jakarta EE 8."
If you are using Payara 5 Community now, and want to keep your applications on Jakarta EE 8, we strongly advise you to move to Payara 5 Enterprise.
Payara 5 Community reaches end of life with the release of Payara 6 Communityand will no longer be maintained; there will be no more bug fixes, component upgrades or improvements.
Payara 6 Community works withJakarta EE10. There is a significant chance your Java EE/Jakarta EE 8 applications will not run on Payara 6 Community.
Payara 5 Enterprise will continue to be supported as a Jakarta EE 8 certified runtime until 2028 for JDK 8 and JDK 17, and until 2026 for JDK 11.
2. "We Want To Move to Jakarta EE 10, But At Our Own Pace And Only When We Can Guarantee Security."
95% of Java EE runs on javax and is affected by Jakarta EE 10 breaking changes. Therefore, moving to Jakarta EE 10 will require much developer time to be achieved securely.
If you move to Payara 5 Enterprise, you can move to Jakarta EE 10 when you are ready. Payara 5 Enterprise supports applications in the jakarta namespace to test out your transition to jakarta. When you do want to make the change to Jakarta EE 10, you can move to Payara 6 Enterprise (expected Summer 2022) which will be stable and production-ready.
Payara Enterprise will also include additional tooling and guidance to help you migrate your Jakarta EE 8 application to Jakarta EE 10.
3. "We Are Using Payara Community And Want to Keep Using JDK 8."
You will not be able to run Payara 6 Community with JDK 8. The Payara code is compiled with JDK 11 and requires as a minimum JDK 11.
If you want to stay on an older version of Java SE, you must move to Payara Enterprise. You will be able to keep using JDK 8 with Payara Enterprise until 2028.
4. "We Want to Move to Jakarta EE 10, But Are Worried We Don't Have Enough Developers or Knowledge."
Jakarta EE 10 is exciting, but getting there will take work.
If your team is composed of software engineers and you lack server experts, you will benefit from having the Payara engineers on hand during this significant move. Rather than hiring new team members, save net costs by entering into a Payara Enterprise contract and gaining the help of our engineers as and when you need them.
There is no limit to the number of tickets you can raise duringyour support contract.Our engineers areJakarta EE expertsand have knowledge your team may not have.
5. "We Are Worried About Another Log4j-Style Vulnerability."
Staying on Payara 5 Community will put you at risk of a Log4Shell-style security vulnerability. You will no longer have access to the latest security fixes.
Most teams are happy to spend money preventing any kind of CVE breach. So why risk it by using Jakarta EE 8 and Payara 6? Or making a premature move to Jakarta EE 10? Move to Jakarta EE 10 securely with Payara 6 Enterprise OR stay on Jakarta EE 8 and Payara 5 securely by adopting Payara 5 Enterprise.
If you have recognised your business in ANY of the above, you should have aconversation with our Sales Team.
Our Payara 6 page includes FAQs and a video explanation of the change:
You will also unlock a variety of other benefits with Payara Enterprise, including security hotfixes; theUpgrade Tool- making moving between Payara versions quick and easy;Azul Platform Core for Distributionincluded; and better integrated, more extensively tested features. Read morehereabout the move to Enterprise.
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