Payara Platform in 2022!

Photo of Priya Khaira-Hanks by Priya Khaira-Hanks

As 2022 moves into its second month, we provide a short and sweet update on what you can expect from the Payara product suite this year.

You can watch the full interactive question and answer session with our Founder and CEO Steve Millidge below, or catch up in this quick summary. 

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Jakarta EE 10 and Payara 6: Timeline  

Jakarta EE10 will be released this year, and with it, Payara 6 as our Jakarta EE 10 compatible implementation.

  • Q1 2022: Payara 6 Alpha 2 in Community will be Jakarta EE 9.1 andMicroProfile 5.0 compatible.
  • Q1 - Q2 2022: Around the same time, the individual Jakarta EE 10 specifications will be released, individually. We will start incorporating these, ready for Payara 6 Beta  in Q2 2022. We'll also be replacing an old Tomcat integrated code.
  • Q2 2022: Final release of the entire Jakarta 10 platform is planned for May 2022. We plan to have a compatible Payara Platform Community 6 Final release around the same time.
  • Q3 2022: Payara 6 Enterprise will follow in September, withfeatures, tools and APIs tested and ready for production usage

Jakarta EE 10 and Payara 6: What Does This Mean? 

Payara Platform Community will move to Payara 6 and therefore Jakarta EE 10.

You will no longer recieve maintenance - bug fixes, updates, platform certifications for the latest Java versions, database versions and infrastructure operating systems - for Payara 5 unless you move to Payara Enterprise. 

Payara 4 Enterprise is in its maintenance phase. Major features no longer go into it, but it can still access the support above.

Payara 5 Enterprise will continue to receive feature updates until February 2023 and then will be in maintenance until February 2028.

If you want to use older versions of Payara and Java EE/Jakarta EE, we advise you move to Payara Enterprise.

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Intelligent Platform - Coming Soon! 

Jakarta EE separates application from runtime.  Payara Platform can provide improved analytics as a runtime.

We currently have many different options for monitoring and tracking your applications - SQL Tracing, MP Health, and JMX Monitoring, to name just a few. These are combined in our monitoring interface, Payara Insight. 

With Intelligent Platform, we'll bring what we have into a simplified, coherent structure. This will make is easier for you as a developer to fine tune your application.  The goal is to release this Q3 2022.

Roadmap Presentation-07

Later On In The Year - Q4 2022

  • We are planning to build on our current capabilities for developers, planning a 'developer mode' for release in Q4 2022. This will unify capabilities such as hot reload within IDEs or touching an exploded WAR so it redeploys. 
  • We will release a Payara 6 Core Profile to align with the Jakarta EE 10 Core Profile specification. We don't know when this Jakarta EE Core Profile will come out or its details at present, but we are ready to release a compatible product when able to.

Payara Cloud 

We are getting very close to shipping Payara Cloud, which allows you to take a WAR file, upload it, and immediately run it on a cloud infrastructure. It will create the security certificate, DNS naming and routing, pods, monitoring and dashboards, and get it running on a cloud infrastructure, for you. 

See the timeline on this below: 

payara cloud timeline (4)

Watch the Payara Roadmap 2022 Webinar in Full: 


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