Jakarta EE Media & Community Challenge - Winning Entries: Part 2

Photo of Chiara Civardi by Chiara Civardi

The Jakarta EE Media and Community Challenge was established by Payara to help showcasing the innovation, creativity and collaboration within the Jakarta EE community. This technical writing challenge encouraged developers, enthusiasts and tech writers to inspire others and advance the community's knowledge on Jakarta EE. Participants from around the globe submitted their entries to share key insights and help drive the community forward.

Following the publication of the 4th place entry "Quantum Sadis", we are delighted to share with you the entry from Mads Opheim titled "Jakarta EE based serverless backend-for-frontend", which has won 3rd place in the Jakarta EE Media and Community Challenge!

Mads’ submission appeared on Medium and discusses how cloud-native technologies and Jakarta EE/MicroProfile can come together to solve real-world challenges for developers and businesses alike.

Here, we'd like to highlight a section of the article that our judges particularly appreciated:

  1. It is easy to get started with a Java application, and the path from nothing to production can be short.
  2. Jakarta EE, perhaps in combination with MicroProfile, and a runtime gets you a lot for free.
  3. There are many different runtimes, tools, libraries, and cloud providers out there, and many of them are great. By choosing standardized frameworks like Jakarta EE and MicroProfile, you minimize the cost of making a choice, as you can switch to another runtime without changing your code.

We want to congratulate Mads on this remarkable contribution and thank him for showcasing how Jakarta EE remains a valuable platform to develop future-oriented applications. You can read the full article here.

Stay tuned as we continue to highlight the winning entries from our Jakarta EE Media and Community Challenge over the next days!


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