Innovative Concurrency: Mastering Jakarta EE with Java 21's Virtual Threads - Webinar Recording

Photo of Dominika Tasarz by Dominika Tasarz

Unleash the power of concurrency in your Jakarta EE applications on the Payara Platform by diving into the world of multi-threaded programming. This hands-on webinar - WATCH HERE - explores the different approaches to writing multi-threaded applications on the Jakarta EE Platform, with a special spotlight on the groundbreaking virtual threads introduced in Java 21.

As applications grow in complexity, ensuring smooth and efficient execution becomes paramount. Multi-threading is a great tool in your developer arsenal, facilitating concurrent task execution, significantly improving application performance and responsiveness. The introduction of virtual threads in Java 21 has further broadened the horizon, offering a simplified, high-throughput concurrency model.


In this webinar, we delve into:

  • An introduction to multi-threading on the Jakarta EE Platform and its significance in today’s application development landscape.

  • A deep dive into Java 21's virtual threads - understanding their architecture, benefits, and how they revolutionize concurrent programming.

  • Strategies for writing efficient multi-threaded applications on the Jakarta EE Platform, leveraging the new virtual threads.

  • A preview into Jakarta EE 11: A glimpse into how Java 21's virtual threads will mesh with the upcoming Jakarta EE 11 release, amplifying the Platform's multi-threading capabilities.

  • An interactive Q&A session to address your queries, providing a platform for discussion and learning from seasoned Payara Engineers.

Whether you are a seasoned developer aiming to update your multi-threading knowledge or embarking on a new project requiring concurrent programming expertise, this webinar is tailored to provide a wealth of knowledge. Get a head-start on leveraging Java 21's virtual threads in your Jakarta EE projects on the Payara Platform and stay ahead in the game of modern application development.


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