Upgrading from Payara Enterprise 5 to Payara Enterprise 6 with the Payara Server Upgrade Tool

Photo of Luqman Saeed by Luqman Saeed

In a world where technology never sleeps, staying ahead is not just an advantage; it's a necessity.  This is especially true for organisations running enterprise-level applications on Java EE 8 through  Payara Enterprise 5. While this platform has undoubtedly served you well, the release of Jakarta  EE 10 and Payara Enterprise 6 marks the beginning of a new era in Enterprise Java development. 

Download the Guide - Upgrading from Payara Enterprise 5 to Payara Enterprise 6 with the Payara Server Upgrade Tool

One of the biggest benefits of Jakarta EE 10 is that it is more modern and streamlined than previous  versions. It is based on the latest Java standards and has been optimized for modern cloud-native applications. This makes it easier for you to build and deploy modern, scalable, and secure Java applications.Another key benefit of Jakarta EE 10 is that it is more flexible and extensible than previous versions.  It is designed to be modular through its various profiles and provides several new APIs. In addition  to these general benefits, Jakarta EE 10 also offers several specific benefits for enterprises, such as:

  • Improved performance and scalability: Jakarta EE 10 has been optimized for performance 
    and scalability, making it ideal for building high-traffic enterprise applications.
  • Enhanced security: Jakarta EE 10 comes with a number of new security features, such as 
    support for OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect. This makes it easier for enterprises to build 
    secure Java applications.
  • Simplified development: Jakarta EE 10 provides several new features that simplify development, such as support for CDI 4.0. This makes it easier for enterprises to develop maintainable applications.

Overall, Jakarta EE 10 is a significant release that offers several benefits for organisations like yours. It is more modern, streamlined, flexible, extensible, and secure than previous versions. 

The task of moving from one production-optimised environment to another can seem daunting. 
What if something goes wrong? What about downtime? What's the impact on ongoing projects? 
These are all genuine concerns that must be considered as part of the overall Payara Enterprise 5  upgrade process.

In this guide - DOWNLOAD HERE - we will go through the process of upgrading from Payara Enterprise 5 to Payara Enterprise 6. You'll learn how to leverage the features of the Payara Server Upgrade Tool bundled in the latest  release of Payara Enterprise 5 to ensure a seamless transition, without compromising the stability  or performance of your enterprise applications. We will walk you through everything from the initial assessment phase to the actual upgrade, and even offer some best practices for post-upgrade monitoring.

Let's begin your journey to the next frontier of enterprise Java.

Download the Guide - Upgrading from Payara Enterprise 5 to Payara Enterprise 6 with the Payara Server Upgrade Tool

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