Testing Jakarta EE Applications: Best Practices and Tools

Photo of Luqman Saeed by Luqman Saeed

Modern enterprise Java applications built on Jakarta EE require a strong testing strategy to ensure they work reliably. In this post, we'll explore key approaches and tools for effective Jakarta EE application testing, starting with the testing pyramid.

The Testing Pyramid

The testing pyramid offers a structured approach to organizing tests in Jakarta EE applications. This model divides tests into three distinct layers, each serving different purposes and providing specific benefits.

Unit Tests - The Foundation

Unit tests form the base layer of the pyramid. These tests examine individual classes, methods and functions in complete isolation. A well-written unit test verifies a single piece of business logic or domain behavior, such as validating user input or calculating order totals. They execute quickly—typically in milliseconds—and provide immediate feedback during development. When a unit test fails, you can quickly identify the exact line of code causing the issue, making debugging straightforward.

Integration Tests - The Connection Layer

The middle layer of the testing pyramid consists of integration tests. These tests verify how different parts of your application work together. Instead of testing components in isolation, integration tests examine the interactions between services, databases and external systems. For example, an integration test might verify that your user service correctly stores data in the database and sends a welcome email through the email service. While these tests take longer to run and need more setup than unit tests, they catch issues that unit tests cannot detect, such as database mapping problems or service communication failures.

End-to-End Tests - The User Perspective

End-to-end tests form the top layer of the pyramid. These tests simulate real user interactions with your application, verifying complete features and business workflows. They ensure that all components of your system work together correctly from a user's perspective. An end-to-end test might walk through an entire order processing flow: from user login, through product selection, to checkout and order confirmation. While these tests require the most setup and maintenance, they provide the highest confidence that your application works as intended.

Test Characteristics by Layer

Test Type


Setup Complexity

Execution Speed

Common Applications


Verify individual components


Very Fast (ms)

Data validation, business calculations


Test component interactions


Moderate (s)

Database operations, service communication


Validate complete workflows


Slow (min)

User registration, order processing


This pyramid structure promotes a balanced testing strategy. The broad base of fast unit tests provides quick feedback during development. The middle layer of integration tests ensures components work together correctly. The smaller top layer of end-to-end tests validates complete user scenarios. When implemented properly, this approach reduces testing time while maintaining high confidence in your application's reliability.

Consider automating all three layers and incorporating them into your continuous integration pipeline. Regular maintenance keeps the test suite valuable and relevant as your application evolves. While each layer requires different tools and approaches, together they create a comprehensive testing strategy that helps deliver quality Jakarta EE applications.

Essential Testing Tools

JUnit 5 (Jupiter)

JUnit 5 serves as the foundation for testing Jakarta EE applications. Its extensions system makes it particularly well-suited for enterprise application testing. Key features that make it essential for Jakarta EE testing include:

  • Powerful extension model that integrates well with Jakarta EE containers
  • Support for dependency injection in test classes
  • Improved parameterized tests for comprehensive test coverage
  • Conditional test execution based on environment conditions

Here's an example of how to use JUnit 5 with the Mockito framework:

public class UserServiceTest {

   private UserService userService;

    void testUserCreation() {

       User user = new User("john.doe@example.com");
       User created = userService.create(user);


   @ValueSource(strings = {"admin@example.com", "user@example.com"})
    void testUserValidation(String email) {

       User user = new User(email);


   @EnabledIfSystemProperty(named = "test.environment", matches = "integration")
    void testUserIntegration() {

        // Integration-specific test code




Arquillian is a testing platform for Jakarta EE applications, providing the ability to test your code inside a real application server, such as Payara Server or Payara Micro. It eliminates the need for complex mocking of container services and ensures your tests run in an environment that closely matches production.

Key benefits of Arquillian include:

  • Testing against an actual runtime environment
  • Automatic dependency management and deployment
  • Support for multiple container adapters
  • Integration with security and transaction services

Here's an example of Arquillian in action:

public class UserRepositoryIT {

    public static JavaArchive createDeployment() {

       return ShrinkWrap.create(JavaArchive.class)
           .addAsManifestResource(EmptyAsset.INSTANCE, "beans.xml")
            .addAsResource("test-persistence.xml", "META-INF/persistence.xml");



    private UserRepository repository;

   private EntityManager em;

    public void testUserPersistence() {

       User user = new User("test@example.com");


       User found = repository.findById(user.getId())
        assertEquals("test@example.com", found.getEmail());



   public void testUserQueries() {
       List<User> users = repository.findByEmailDomain("example.com");

       users.forEach(user -> 




TestContainers has become an indispensable tool for Jakarta EE testing, allowing you to spin up real databases, message queues and other dependencies in Docker containers during your tests. This allows your integration tests to run against real services while maintaining test isolation.

Key features include:

  • Automatic container lifecycle management
  • Support for multiple database engines
  • Custom container definitions
  • Integration with popular testing frameworks

Here's an example of spinning up a Postgres and Redis databases:


class UserServiceIntegrationTest {

   static PostgreSQLContainer<?> postgres = 
       new PostgreSQLContainer<>("postgres:14")



   static GenericContainer<?> redis =
       new GenericContainer<>("redis:6")


   static void configureProperties(DynamicPropertyRegistry registry) {
       registry.add("spring.datasource.url", postgres::getJdbcUrl);
       registry.add("spring.datasource.username", postgres::getUsername);
       registry.add("spring.datasource.password", postgres::getPassword);
       registry.add("redis.host", redis::getHost);
        registry.add("redis.port", redis::getFirstMappedPort);




   void testUserOperationsWithRealDatabase() {
       // Test code using real PostgreSQL and Redis instances
       UserService service = new UserService(postgres.getJdbcUrl());
       User user = service.createUser("test@example.com");



    void testUserCaching() {

       // Test code verifying caching behavior with real Redis
       UserService service = new UserService(


       service.cacheUser(new User("cached@example.com"));




For unit testing, Mockito helps isolate components by mocking dependencies. Its intuitive API and powerful verification capabilities make it essential for testing Jakarta EE applications:


public class UserServiceTest {

    private UserRepository repository;

    private EmailService emailService;

   private UserService service;

    void testUserCreationWithNotification() {

       // Arrange
       User user = new User("john@example.com");



       // Act
        User created = service.createUserWithNotification(user);

       // Assert


   void testUserRetrieval() {
            .thenReturn(Optional.of(new User("john@example.com")));

       User user = service.getUserById(1L);



    void testUserRetrievalWithCaching() {

       // First call should hit the repository
            .thenReturn(Optional.of(new User("john@example.com")));


       User user1 = service.getUserById(1L);
        User user2 = service.getUserById(1L);


       // Verify repository was only called once due to caching
        verify(repository, times(1)).findById(1L);



Performance Testing Considerations

Performance testing is of paramount importance for enterprise applications to ensure responsiveness and stability under diverse conditions. It involves the use of tools like JMeter, Gatling or LoadRunner to simulate realistic user interactions with the application. These interactions should include "think time" delays to accurately mimic human behavior.

When designing performance tests, it's important to simulate concurrent users accessing the application and vary the load patterns. More specifically, gradually increasing and decreasing the load (ramp-up and ramp-down) to avoid sudden spikes is crucial. Even more, throughout the testing process, meticulous monitoring is key. Track response times, resource usage (CPU, memory, network), throughput and error rates to identify potential bottlenecks or performance degradation.

To ensure accurate and representative results, use a dedicated test environment that closely mirrors the production environment. This environment should include a realistic dataset and be monitored to ensure it doesn't become a bottleneck itself.

Integrate performance tests into your CI/CD pipeline to catch performance regressions early in the development cycle. Establish baseline performance metrics and track them over time to identify trends and potential issues.

Finally, analyze the performance test results to pinpoint bottlenecks and optimize the application accordingly. This might involve code optimization, database query tuning or server configuration adjustments.


Effective testing of Jakarta EE applications hinges on a multi-layered approach that integrates the testing pyramid, core tools like JUnit, Arquillian, TestContainers and Mockito as well as a comprehensive performance testing strategy.  This multifaceted approach helps build more reliable and maintainable Jakarta EE applications, leading to robust mission-critical applications with optimum uptime.

In addition, it is essential to bear in mind that testing is not merely about identifying bugs. It's about fostering confidence in your codebase and ensuring your applications can evolve safely over time.  Adapt these practices to your specific needs as your application grows. This will not only result in higher quality applications but also contribute to a more robust and sustainable development process.


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