Protecting Critical Ecommerce Infrastructure During Times of Crisis
Originally published on 28 Jul 2020
Last updated on 28 Jul 2020

With an estimated third of the global population under “lockdown” during the peak of COVID-19, organizations were forced to rapidly shift to remote working environments - prepared or not. The unplanned change in operations put significant pressures on existing systems and tested business continuity plans. Check out this whitepaper with the results of a recent survey of the community to learn about COVID-19 business challenges and how open source technology has helped.
As people were urged to remain at home as much as possible to slow the spread of the virus, shopping online increased dramatically. Stores and sellers that hadn’t been operating online shifted to ecommerce business models to help meet the needs of online shoppers and to avoid closing their business during the shutdown, while existing ecommerce businesses experienced larger-than-usual volume. To survive, the ecommerce industry had to adapt to the changing needs of internet shoppers while ensuring their IT, technology, and cloud-based systems could handle heavier traffic, increased bandwidth usage, and requirements for 24/7 high availability. For example, what may be sufficient for current levels of shoppers and remote workers accessing the systems may not sustain business growth, essentially impacting service delivery as the business scales.
Payara Platform Enterprise is cloud-native and extremely agile, offering the ability for its users to move quickly and easily in times of crisis, such as during the COVID-19 worldwide pandemic. Payara Server’s system architecture and software features helps ecommerce companies navigate changes across the industry with:
Payara Data Grid
The Data Grid provides elastic in-memory storage, ideal for ecommerce companies to store customer shopping cart storage and product catalogue data, while increasing availability.
The Data Grid also provides elastic distributed caching, enabling rapid access to frequently used data, and the ability to serve dynamic and compelling catalogues to an increasing number of customers.
Payara Platform offers dynamic and elastic scaling to meet the rapid growth of online shopping and the ability to scale back if and when consumers start reducing their online shopping in favor of in-person shopping after the pandemic.
Being cloud-native, it’s easy to migrate to the cloud and flexibly take advantage of elastic cloud resources. Payara Platform is compatible with modern cloud-native technologies.
Complex Monitoring
Payara Platform offers users monitoring to follow the trends in customer behavior, estimate the amount of computing power and resources needed to serve an increasing number of customers, while also detecting and recovering from failures before they impact customers.
Protecting Critical Online Infrastructure
For ecommerce businesses, everything is a critical piece of your online infrastructure. Payara Platform Enterprise offers 24x7 or 10x5 support, automatic security alerts, bug fixes, and patches to maintain the stability of your environment even during times of crisis.
Complete Ecosystem of Developer Tooling
Payara Platform supports developer tooling to build, test and deploy applications rapidly so you can get improvements to production faster and meet the rapidly changing requirements of the industry during a pandemic or other crisis situation.
The challenges presented by COVID-19 for the ecommerce industry have been significant but using Payara Platform Enterprise enables many companies to mitigate their risks, adapt, and even thrive. Learn more about Payara Enterprise here.
Download the whitepaper, "Challenging COVID-19 with Open Source Technology" to learn more about how open source helps organizations worldwide overcome challenges during the pandemic.
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