Payara for Beginners - a Simple JBatch Schedule
Originally published on 05 Jan 2016
Last updated on 20 Apr 2017

Firstly, we need to create a java class that appends the current datetime to a file.
JBatch implement two variations of Job step: Chunks - which are built around the traditional batch process of reader, processor and writer elements – and Batchlets for simple tasks.
For the simple process appending a datetime to a file we will be using a Batchlet.To correctly implement a Batchlet we must define process() and stop() methods.
public class TestBatchlet implements Batchlet {
private JobContext jobCtx;
public String process() throws Exception {
String filename = jobCtx.getProperties().getProperty("outfile");
String timestamp = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss").format(new Date());
BufferedWriter output = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(filename, true));
return "COMPLETED";
public void stop() throws Exception {
Next, we need to define the steps that make-up our batch job using the Job Specification Language (JSL). The below JSL defines our single-step job and also the value of the outfile property used by the Batchlet.The JSL must be held in an XML file located in the META-INF/batch-jobs directory.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<job id="testjob" xmlns="" version="1.0">
<property name="outfile" value="\tmp\output.txt"/>
<step id="teststep">
<batchlet ref="TestBatchlet"/>
Finally, we will create an EJB to trigger our job every 30 seconds
public class TestSchedule {
@Schedule(second = "*/30", minute = "*", hour = "*") // Thirty second intervals
public void processFiles() {
JobOperator jobOperator = BatchRuntime.getJobOperator();
jobOperator.start("BatchTest", null);
Deploying the above will append the current datetime to the file specified in the XML at 30 second intervals:
2015-12-21 15:06:00
2015-12-21 15:06:30
2015-12-21 15:07:00
2015-12-21 15:07:30
2015-12-21 15:08:00
2015-12-21 15:08:30
And this is all that is required to implement the most basic batch process!
Want to learn more about JBatch? Check out Batch Applications in Java EE 7 - Undertanding JSR 352 Concepts article by Arun Gupta on the GlassFish blog; or watch the 'Batch Applications for the Java Platform 1.0' video by Chris Vignola.
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