Ondrej Mihalyi for TechTarget - Reactive Programming & Java EE

Photo of Dominika Tasarz by Dominika Tasarz

In his interview for The Server Side ( TechTarget) Ondrej Mihalyi - Payara Support Engineer - discusses the benefits and challenges of transitioning to reactive programming model and how Java EE facilitates reactive development.

Traditional programming techniques that focus primarily on handling the request-response cycle tend to fall out of favor when it comes to dealing with the distributed load placed on modern enterprise applications. To deal with this new nature of modern applications, software development teams are adopting a reactive programming approach to problem solving.  


Visit the TechTarget website here to watch the full video interview with Ondrej, conducted by Cameron McKenzie - the Editor in Chief for the ServerSide.com - at the 2016 JavaOne conference in San Francisco. 



 click the image to see the interview



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