Nugget Friday - Exploring Jakarta RESTful (JAX-RS) Web Services Validation
Published on 13 Sep 2024

Welcome to this week’s Friday Nugget and congratulations, you've made it through the week! What better way to kick off the weekend than by talking about simplifying something that is essential to ensure that data flows smoothly between clients and servers, meeting all necessary formats, types and rules. Correct, we are talking about validation.
The Problem
Validation is an important aspect of all applications, especially web services consumed by a myriad of clients. When handling incoming requests and outgoing responses, there’s the need to guarantee that the data conform to expected formats, types or business rules. Validation in Jakarta REST (JAX-RS) web services is critical not just for the above mentioned reasons, but also to ensure consistency for both clients and the server. However, rolling out custom validation from scratch can be expensive and time consuming. That’s definitely a task no one wants to tackle on a Friday. Is there a better way? Of course there is - with Jakarta Bean Validation. Let’s dig in.
The Solution: Validation in Jakarta RESTful Web Services
Jakarta RESTful Web Services (JAX-RS) integrates with the Jakarta Bean Validation API, providing a straightforward approach to validating both incoming and outgoing entities. This integration not only simplifies the code but also brings the power of constraint annotations directly into your RESTful service layers. You get to use Jakarta EE’s famed annotation driven paradigm to implement validation constraints right in the web layer of your application.
Validation in Action
In Jakarta RESTful Web Services, validation can occur at multiple places:
Request Validation
When a client sends a request to a JAX-RS service, the request’s payload (e.g., JSON, XML) might need validation. Using Jakarta Bean Validation annotations, you can enforce constraints directly on the request body. Let's take an example of a User entity:
public class User {
private String username;
private String email;
@Size(min = 6, max = 20)
private String password;
// Obligatory Getters and setters...
Here, the User fields must meet specific criteria, such as being non-null, properly formatted as an email, and within a size range for the password.
Within a JAX-RS resource method, you can validate the User object like this:
public Response registerUser(@Valid User user) {
// Some fancy user processing through some CDI controller…
return Response.ok().build();
The @Valid annotation tells the runtime that it should validate the User object according to the annotated constraints. If validation fails, a ConstraintViolationException is thrown, which can be automatically converted to beautiful error messages that get sent to the client. This is an example of validating whole classes.
Request Params Validation
You can also validate individual method parameters by directly annotating them with any of the Jakarta Bean Validation constraints as follows.
public User loadUser(@QueryParam(“email”) @Email String userEmail) {
// Fetch and return the user via their email
return userController.getUserByEmail(userEmail);
In the above example, the loadUser method directly constrains the “email” query param with @Email. This will cause the runtime to ensure the passed query param has a valid email format, such as A violation will cause the same ConstraintViolationException to be thrown, which again, you can customize.
Why You Should Care
Validating your Jakarta REST resources comes with a number of benefits including:
- Consistency: Consistent validation across both the client (input) and server (output) sides guarantees the integrity of both the incoming and outgoing data.
- Security: Prevents invalid data from entering or leaving your systems, reducing the attack surface for potential exploits. You should never trust inputs from users. So preemptive validation is your safest bet.
- Simplicity: Using Jakarta Bean Validation directly in your JAX-RS resources reduces boilerplate code, which makes your application code easier to read, maintain and enhance.
- Automatic Error Handling: With Jakarta RESTful Web Services, standard Jakarta Bean Validation failures are automatically communicated back to the client without requiring additional error-handling code. Of course, you can intercept the error message and customise it to suit your use case. But by default, everything is done for you. Neat.
Advanced Bean Validation Features: Custom Constraints
The default validation constraints (@NotNull, @Size, @Email, etc.) are useful, but real-world applications often require custom validation rules tailored to specific business needs. Jakarta Bean Validation allows you to define custom constraints, which you can then use within your JAX-RS resources, much like any other built-in annotation.
Example of a custom constraint:
@Constraint(validatedBy = StrongPasswordValidator.class)
@Target({ ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.FIELD })
public @interface StrongPassword {
String message() default "Weak password";
Class<?>[] groups() default {};
Class<? extends Payload>[] payload() default {};
And the associated validator:
public class StrongPasswordValidator implements ConstraintValidator<StrongPassword, String> {
public boolean isValid(String password, ConstraintValidatorContext context) {
// Implement your custom validation logic here
return password != null && password.length() > 8 && password.matches("[a-zA-Z0-9]*");
You can now use the @StrongPassword constraint annotation anywhere any of the built-in constraint annotations can be used.
While validation is powerful, keep in mind:
- Overuse of Validation: Overloading entities with validation constraints can sometimes make the code harder to maintain, especially if the constraints become too complex or interdependent.
- Performance Considerations: Validation introduces a performance overhead, particularly for complex objects or large amounts of data. You should keep a healthy balance between necessary validation and unnecessary processing overhead.
Validation in Jakarta RESTful Web (JAX-RS) Services offers a structured way to enforce rules and consistency across APIs. With built-in support for Jakarta Bean Validation, creating reliable, error-resistant RESTful web services has never been easier. Whether you’re validating simple field constraints or implementing complex custom rules, the integration makes it straightforward and flexible. So, next time you need to implement validation in your Jakarta REST resources, remember Jakarta Bean Validation is baked into the JAX-RS for your coding pleasure! Download your free trial of Payara Server Enterprise today and start creating that web app you always dreamed of!
That’s it for this week’s Nugget Friday! Happy Coding!
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